Business (BU)

BU 5060  Business Graduate Internship  (1-6)  

Students gain work experience by integrating business knowledge and skills to add value to challenging projects in or behalf of host organizations. Internships are supervised with planned objectives and a prescribed number of work hours for which academic credit is earned. Open to students who have completed course work relevant to the position. This course is repeatable up to 6 credits.

Prerequisite(s): Nine graduate credits in business, minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, and permissions of the instructor. Pass/No pass.

BU 5070  Foundations of Accounting and Finance  (3)  

Professionals refer to accounting reports and consult with accountants for the information they need to make strategic financial decisions for their organizations. Understanding the accounting cycle and interpreting financial statements is essential in assessing the viability of projects and making investment decisions. Students will strengthen their financial decision making skills so as to articulate their position on investment decisions.

BU 5075  Foundations of Management and Strategy  (3)  

Managers must understand organizational structures, process and culture while developing a strategic view of organizational performance. Opportunity and risk must be evaluated. Operations must align with strategic goals. Using the case study method, students confront real world challenges. Decision-making, communication, and leadership skills are strengthened in this cornerstone course while students begin their own leadership journey.

BU 5110  Managing Organizational Behavior  (3)  

A review of theory and research findings in the field of organizational behavior, with emphasis on applications by practicing managers. Topics to be covered include perception, motivation, leadership, communication, group dynamics, conflict management and organization theory. Pedagogical techniques include case analysis, presentations, role plays and other experiential activities.

BU 5120  Financial Analysis  (3)  

A complete corporate financial management course. Content covers the classic areas of valuation, capital structure and budgeting as well as more specialized financial topics. Online version incorporates online course materials and exercises.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5070 and BU 5190.

BU 5180  Exploring Personal and Organizational Health  (3)  

Explores paradigms of holistic health and healing and how they interact within personal and organizational realms. Examines wellness models and transpersonal psychology within organizations that transform engagement through mindfulness toward good intention, open mind and compassionate heart. Also offered as HH 5180 and BU 5180

BU 5190  Accounting for Managers  (3)  

Budgetary accounting and cost accounting including profit planning and control systems, budget process, cost systems, and their managerial applications.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5070.

BU 5192  Advanced Financial Accounting  (3)  

This course examines issues related to specialized topics including partnerships, consolidations and business combinations, foreign subsidiaries, international standards, governmental and not-for-profit organizations.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5070.

BU 5210  Economic Analysis  (3)  

Today's business climate demands managers who can make decisions involving the best use of an organization's scarce resources under conditions that change rapidly. This course demonstrates the power of problem-solving insights and uses a cross-functional approach. Topics to be covered include strategic pricing using game theory, forecasting techniques and demand estimation, cost analysis, linear programming and optimization under various market structures.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5070 and BU 5075.

BU 5220  The Legal Environment of Business  (3)  

A basic understanding of legal problems is expanded, analytical ability is developed, and an awareness of the presence of legal problems that surround the businessperson is explored. Freedom of choice, taxation, stockholder status, acquisitions and divisions, antitrust, employment, administrative law, and bankruptcy are covered as time allows.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5075.

BU 5226  Business Law for Accountants  (3)  

Coverage of applicable areas of the Uniform Commercial Code law and business law topics as it relates to exam content for the CPA exam, including product liability, contract law, agency law, and extensive review of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Also involves an analytical study of the concepts embraced in the law of partnerships, corporations and other business organizations.

BU 5227  Accounting Information Systems  (3)  

This course centers on how organizations collect, record, process, and store accounting information and data. Topics include information systems concepts, transaction cycles and processing, flowcharting, data flow diagramming, XBRL, e-business and ERP systems, computer fraud and IT security, internal controls, auditing with AIS, and ethics.

BU 5229  Professional Ethics for Accountants  (3)  

This course helps develop the foundation for ethical reasoning, integrity, objectivity, independence and other core values as defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

BU 5360  Social Media Marketing  (3)  

Social media is not a fad. The Internet has forever changed the way humans communicate. Web-based social media outlets are woven into the fabric of our lives; directly and indirectly. For businesses, social media presents strategic opportunities and challenges related to product offerings, promotion, pricing strategies, delivery of products or service, as well as presentation of brand. Through this course students will: (1) Gain a strong understanding of the current face look of social media; (2) Develop the ability to stay up-to-date as social media evolves; and (3) Learn how businesses can successfully leverage social media techniques to achieve strategic objectives.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5075.

BU 5365  Strategic Digital Marketing  (3)  

This course provides a managerial approach to digital marketing. Strategies and tactics necessary to the understanding of key digital marketing concepts will be covered. Students will create and apply digital marketing strategy focusing on practical applications for managers. Students will also be exposed to international, privacy, security, legal, and ethical considerations for managers. Students will earn free digital marketing certifications. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5700

BU 5390  Digital & Social Media Marketing Analytics  (3)  

It has been ever so crucial for marketers to measure key analytics. This course covers key digital & social media marketing analytics relevant to a marketing manager. Students will be exposed to key measurement tools and approaches. The focus will be on measuring and assessing key analytics for a variety of areas and using this knowledge to make strategic decisions. Springs.

BU 5395  Digital & Social Media Marketing Capstone  (3)  

This course provides a summative experience for digital & social media marketing from the perspective of a marketing manager. The focus will be on putting together key concepts and skills learned through the program and applying that to a real organization. Strategic decision making will be highlighted alongside application of practical digital & social media marketing outcomes. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment may be permitted with permission of instructor.

BU 5410  Human Resources in Health Care Administration  (3)  

This course will address managing organizational behavior issues and techniques with a specific focus on Human Resource management issues unique to the health care industry.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5075.

BU 5420  Health Care Law and Ethics  (3)  

This course is specifically designed for graduate students enrolled in the Health Care Administration Certificate Program and/or an MBA with a health administration specialty. This course will focus on: The principles and theories of law as it relates to health care delivery; health care management and administration; examination of the applications of laws in relation to health care liability prevention and risks facing administrators, managers and practitioners.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5075.

BU 5430  Health Care Administration and Financial Management  (3)  

This course presents an in-depth review of the financial management of health care organizations. This includes but is not limited to: budget formulation process specific to health care delivery systems, funding sources and payment methodology, managing working capital and capital budgeting, the unique characteristics of non-profit organizations, and financial analysis of such organizations. Students will also do case study analysis in the previously mentioned topics.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5070 and BU 5190.

BU 5490  Capstone: Health Care Topics  (3)  

This course will be a seminar style presentation of current health care topics. This will be an integrative course which incorporates all previous coursework into a cohesive body of knowledge. The topics will include but will not be limited to: health care policy, quality initiatives, marketing in health care, current issues within Medicare and Medicaid, strategic decision making and public health.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5410 and BU 5430.

BU 5510  Operations Management  (3)  

Examination of the nature and structure of decision-making in the midst of uncertainty. Formal techniques for measurement of risks and rewards are applied to case studies based chiefly on production systems. Concludes with a survey of current techniques for operations analysis, planning and control.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5070 and BU 5075.

BU 5590  Budgeting and Fund Accounting  (3)  

The basics of fund accounting and modified accrual basis are explored by looking at the different fund purposes, typical transactions, and examples of government reporting and disclosure. This course covers the core concepts, principles, and financial reporting for government and not-for-profit accounting, which varies significantly from financial accounting used in public and private financial reporting.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5190.

BU 5600  Federal Taxes and Business Decisions  (3)  

Tax laws and their effect on management planning and decision-making, as well as on personal financial transactions are of interest to managers and accountants. Representative topics include: tax aspects of selecting a business form; tax factors in acquiring, using and disposing of land, buildings, equipment; capital gains and losses; nontaxable transactions; individual income tax; family tax planning; common tax traps.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5190.

BU 5620  Auditing Perspectives  (3)  

Theory and procedures underlying auditors' responsibilities in examining and reporting on financial statements of a business enterprise are discussed including professional ethics, auditing standards, reports, internal control and the selection, scope and application of auditing procedures.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5190.

BU 5630  Policy Topics  (3)  

An in-depth study of a particular topic, contemporary issue, or concern will be the focus of this course and will be taught by a specialist within the field being studied. Since topics vary, the course may be repeated with different topics.

BU 5690  Customer Relationship Marketing  (3)  

This course lays out a broad rethinking of customer relationship management. The focus is on the mindset and skillset required to earn and grow relationships with customers and build customer centric organizations. Examined are changes in attitudes, values, and behaviors of customers who expect their voices to be heard. Marketers are learning to listen and to design customer experiences that deliver high levels of both customer values and company value. Value is measured in terms of repeat business, customer loyalty, return on investment in marketing, and hard-to-duplicate competitive advantage.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5700.

BU 5700  Marketing Techniques  (3)  

The objective of this course is to help students develop a broad understanding of marketing techniques, strategies and tactics employed by the marketing manager. This course will cover the use of the 'marketing mix' elements as they pertain to the planning and implementation of the marketing plan.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5075.

BU 5720  Seminar in Executive Management  (3)  

From a decision-makers point of view, students will participate in a seminar involving middle and upper-level managerial responsibilities, as well as discussions concerning 'state-of-the-art' methodologies appropriate to all levels of management. Case studies and group projects will be combined with informal lectures and discussions involving such areas as strategic planning, action planning techniques, policy-making, managerial ethics, decision-making methods, control systems and the integration of all resources for optimum performance.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5070, BU 5075, BU 5120, BU 5190, and BU 5210.

BU 5770  International Business  (3)  

It is a small world, and getting smaller fast. An understanding of the complex managerial dimensions of world trade and international business is now an expected part of an MBA’s intellectual inventory. This International Business course provides an opportunity to develop the understanding through readings, and through case studies. An individual term project will give students an opportunity to bring global thinking to bear on current issues in a company, country, or region.

BU 5850  New Ventures & Entrepreneurship  (3)  

This course focuses on business start-ups, providing an intensive introduction to business planning from the defining of a primary vision through market size assessment and strategic operations planning, to the financing, staffing and implementation of the new venture. Course includes readings on entrepreneurship, case studies of both small and large examples of successful new ventures and student fieldwork. Software available to help business planning will be introduced for hands-on use. Students will each prepare a formal business plan for new ventures.

Prerequisite(s): BU 5120 and BU 5210.

BU 5910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Enrichment of the background of students in business through the pursuit of a special topic pertinent to their interests and abilities is offered through independent study opportunities. This is an opportunity for an in-depth study of a problem in the business field. Consent of a faculty supervisor and department chair is required.