Psychology (PS)

PS 1110  Learning Laboratory  (0)  

Falls and Springs.

Corequisite(s): PS 3210.

PS 1120  Cognitive Psychology Laboratory  (0)  

Falls and Springs.

Corequisite(s): PS 3220.

PS 2015  Introduction to General Psychology  (4)  

The scope and methods of psychology as a scientific study. Falls and Springs.

PS 2055  Life-Span Developmental Psychology  (4)  

The principles underlying physical, cognitive, emotional and social development through the life-span. Falls and Springs.

PS 3035  Social Psychology  (4)  

A psychological approach to social phenomena with emphasis on the concepts and methods used in the study of the behavior of individuals in various social situations. May be taken as PS or SO 3035. Falls and Springs.

PS 3105  Adolescent Psychology  (4)  

A survey of physical, intellectual, social and ethical development between puberty and adulthood. Special attention is given to changes in values during adolescence, and relations with parents, peers and school. Falls.

PS 3115  Research Methods and Statistics I  (4)  

Experimental design and methodology. Laboratory exercises involving data collection and statistical analysis. Falls and Springs. (QRCO) (TECO)

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010 or PS 2015.

PS 3125  Research Methods and Statistics II  (4)  

An extension of Research Methods and Statistics I: the execution of original experimental designs and the consideration of various experimental design requirements and statistical analysis in several areas of Psychology. Falls and Springs. (WRCO)

Prerequisite(s): PS 3115.

PS 3130  Directed Research in Psychology  (1-3)  

Under the supervision of the Psychology Department faculty, students assist with on-going faculty research projects. Duties typically include but are not limited to, data collection and analysis, library research and other prepublication tasks. May be repeated for credit. Falls and Springs.

PS 3175  Child Development  (4)  

The process of development from the end of infancy to the beginning of adolescence. Discusses factors affecting intellectual, social and physical development. Springs.

PS 3200  Psychology of Women  (3)  

Lecture and discussion integrating biological, psychological and medical information to examine objectively the origin and development of sex differences. Topics include differences in biological makeup, personality, learning, aggression and achievement motivation. Springs. (DICO)

PS 3210  Learning  (4)  

Basic processes and principles of learning which are fundamental to any organism's interaction with the environment. Laboratory experience is an integral component. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010.

Corequisite(s): PS 1110.

PS 3220  Cognitive Psychology  (4)  

Examination of processes basic to the acquisition, retention and reproduction of knowledge. Thinking, memory, language, problem-solving and decision-making are topics to be covered. Laboratory component. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010.

Corequisite(s): PS 1120.

PS 3260  Perception  (3)  

A survey of the underlying physiological processes, anatomical structures and information processing capacities of the visual, auditory, taste, smell, cutaneous, organic vestibular and kinesthetic sense systems. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010.

PS 3325  Abnormal Psychology  (4)  

The symptoms, causes, and methods of treatment of the major forms of psychopathology: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, substance use disorders, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. Not open to students have earned credit for PS 4320. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010 or PS 2015.

PS 3340  Personality  (3)  

Psychoanalytical, existential, social, behavioral and self theories and how they relate to the development and assessment of behavior. Falls and Springs.

PS 3370  Psychology of Love and Sex  (3)  

Examination of human sexuality and intimate relationships from the psychological point of view. Topics include: human sexual response, sexual behavior through the life-span, sexual dysfunction and therapy, interpersonal attraction, communication between partners, success and failure in marriage. Falls and Springs.

PS 3565  Adulthood and Aging  (4)  

Major developmental transitions between adolescence and the end of life. Physical, cognitive, personality, social and occupational development. Special topics covered are stress, changing life styles and death. Falls.

PS 3605  Behavioral Neuroscience  (4)  

The neuroanatomical and physiological basis of physical movement, arousal, hunger, thirst, emotion, sleep, learning and memory. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010 or 2015.

PS 3705  Psychology and Law  (4)  

Applies knowledge of psychological variables to various aspects of the law including eyewitness testimony, jury selection, police interrogations, repressed memories and the role the psychologist plays in the legal system. Springs and Falls.

PS 4010  History and Systems  (3)  

The major trends of thought which have shaped the development of psychology as a science. The unifying theoretical systems and concepts which shape and structure contemporary psychology. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010.

PS 4335  Community Mental Health  (4)  

A comprehensive survey of community mental health as an applied and scientific discipline, emphasizing how community mental health works to prevent mental health problems and address the needs of diverse populations. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): PS 3320 or PS 3325 and PS 3115, Senior Status.

PS 4355  Treatment of Psychological Disorders  (4)  

Surveys the major treatment methods for addressing psychological disorders; cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, psychiatric/medical,and psychodynamic approaches are covered using a biopsychosocial perspective. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PS 3320 or PS 3325 and Senior Status.

PS 4365  Internship in Psychology  (4-8)  

This undergraduate internship provides supervised field experience at a site related to the student’s degree and option. Students participate in service in the community and attend class meetings. Students must apply for permission in the semester prior to their registration for this course. Repeatable for a maximum of 8 credits. Falls and Springs. Instructor permission required.

PS 4405  Psychology Seminar  (4)  

Current topics in psychology. Topics selected and determined by students' backgrounds and interests. For psychology majors only. May be repeated once for credit. Falls and Springs.

PS 4440  Psychological Measurement  (3)  

Focus on the theoretical principles guiding the assessment of psychological attributes. Application to the construction, use and evaluation of intelligence, achievement, personality, attitude and vocational measures. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): PS 2010 and (PS 3115 or MA 2300).

PS 4910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Advanced readings and research with conferences and oral examinations. Provides advanced students with background and specialized knowledge relating to an area in which an appropriate course is not offered or relating to a special individual interest. Consent required of the instructor who will supervise the independent study and the Department Chair.

PS 4945  Independent Research in Psychology  (1-4)  

With the assistance and supervision of a member of the Psychology Department faculty, students design, execute, analyze and write a report on an original experimental research project. Repeatable for a maximum of 8 credits. Falls and Springs. Instructor permission required.