Social Studies Education (SSE)

SSE 1550  Adolescent Development and Teaching Humanities  (3)  

Provides a broad foundation for adolescent and cognitive development, learning, and teaching the humanities at the secondary level. Explores the political, ethical, and democratic influences, and the rights and responsibilities of educators. Students explore factors that influence healthy adolescent development. Not open to students who have earned credit for SSE1515. Observation required. Springs. (WECO)

SSE 2515  Planning, Management, and Organization of Social Studies Curriculum  (4)  

Provides an overview of the professional and pedagogical responsibilities of teachers in social studies education. Topics include curriculum analysis and selection, fundamentals of lesson planning, classroom management, portfolio development, legal rights and responsibilities, and reflective practice. Special attention is given to design principles for instruction in middle and high school social studies classes. Not open to students who have earned credit for SSE 2500 or SSE 2510. Springs.

SSE 2550  Facilitating Social Studies Lessons and Discussions  (3)  

Introduces curriculum analysis and selection, classroom management, and practice facilitating inquiry-based lesson plans across the social studies subjects. Emphasizes pedagogic systems like UDL, UBD, PBL, and CBE. Not open to students who have earned credit for SSE 3010, 2500, 2510, or 2515. Falls. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.

SSE 3515  Technology and Assessment in Education  (4)  

Engage in critical inquiry to identify factors that contribute to student achievement. Analyses essential skills and knowledge and understanding of technology integration, competency-based learning, and authentic-assessment. Students will analyze and develop multiple forms of assessment and will gain practical understanding of technology integration for meaningful learning. Not open to students who have earned credit for SSE 3010. (QRCO) (TECO)

SSE 3550  Lesson and Inquiry Planning in the Social Studies  (4)  

Dives deep into the nuances of lesson planning and the inquiry model of instruction and its role in the social studies curriculum. Students explore varying versions of IDM. Not open to students who have earned credit for SSE3515. Observation in schools required. Springs. Instructor permission required.

SSE 4515  Advances in Social Studies Pedagogy and Learning  (4)  

Students demonstrate professional and pedagogical responsibilities of teachers by involving students in critical inquiry of the history of social studies education, analyzing court cases and government decisions that define the legal rights and responsibilities of teachers, increasing students’ capacity to integrate technology for instruction, conducting original action research, and practicing advanced methods of instruction. Falls. Not open to students who have earned credit for SSE 4505 or SSE 4510. (WRCO)

SSE 4550  Unit Planning and Assessment in the Humanities  (4)  

Dives deep into the art of designing meaningful unit plans and assessments across humanities subjects. Students will participate in mock department meetings and grade sample assessments. Observation in schools required. Not open to students who have earned credit for EN4559 or SSE4515. Falls. Instructor permission required.

SSE 4630  Social Studies Seminar  (1)  

Teacher candidates discuss, process, and receive feedback intended to support: the impact on student learning assessment, reflective practice, and professional responsibilities and ethics of teaching. Candidates continue the process of developing their teacher licensure portfolio with peer and instructor feedback. Instructor permission required.

Corequisite(s): SSE 4640.

SSE 4640  Internship in Secondary Social Studies  (12)  

As their capstone experience in Social Studies Education, students gradually take on classroom responsibilities and assume full responsibility for classes. Requirements include: supervisor visits and evaluations, ongoing reflections, portfolio development, development of lesson plans and instructional materials, and unit plan demonstrate the skills and dispositions appropriate for a beginning teacher. Instructor permission required.

Corequisite(s): SSE 4630.