English (EN)

EN 5000  Teacher Action Research  (3)  

This course is designed to provide a background in qualitative classroom-based research. Students design a research project in which they find and frame a research question that they will investigate through interview, observations, participant observations and/or analysis of artifacts. They will write up and present the results of this limited study.

EN 5316  Teaching Writing: Practicum  (1)  

A clinical experience designed for teacher certification majors who wish to teach middle and high school English language arts. With supervision of faculty and practicing teach-mentors, candidates plan, implement, and assess curriculum and instruction and work with middle and high school students in a public school. This course focuses on curriculum and instructional practice for the teaching of writing. Intended for candidates with teaching experience. Instructor permission required. Springs. Instructor permission required.

Corequisite(s): EN 5645.

EN 5317  Teaching Writing: Practice  (3)  

A clinical experience designed for teacher certification majors who wish to teach middle and high school English language arts. With supervision of faculty and practicing teach-mentors, candidates plan, implement, and assess curriculum and instruction and work with middle and high school students in a public school. This course focuses on curriculum and instructional practice for the teaching of writing, as well as organization and management of secondary classrooms. Designed for candidates who are new to teaching. Instructor permission required. Springs. Instructor permission required.

Corequisite(s): EN 5645.

EN 5380  Open Institute for Teachers of Writing  (3-6)  

The aim of the open institute is to allow participants the time, space, and optimal conditions to work on their own writing, explore theory and research in the teaching of writing, and to transform learning into practice for teaching. The institute is divided into two interwoven sections: Theory and Research Into Practice (TRIP) and Writing and Reflective Practice (WRP).

EN 5500  Topics in Teaching Literature  (1-3)  

Various topics in literature at the graduate level, not covered in other English courses. May be repeated with different topics.

EN 5556  Teaching Literature: Practicum  (1)  

A clinical experience designed for teacher candidates who wish to teach middle and high school English language arts. With supervision of faculty, candidates plan, implement, and assess curriculum and instruction and work with middle and high school students in a public school. Focuses the curriculum and instructional practice for teaching literature. Intended for candidates with teaching experience. Falls. Instructor permission required.

EN 5557  Teaching Literature: Practice  (3)  

A clinical experience designed for teacher certification majors who wish to teach middle and high school English language arts. With supervision of faculty and practicing teacher-mentors, candidates plan, implement, and assess curriculum and instruction and work with middle and high school students in a public school. This course focuses on curriculum and instructional practice for teaching literature, as well as management and organization for secondary classrooms. Designed for candidates with limited teaching experience. Falls. Instructor permission required.

Corequisite(s): EN 5875.

EN 5560  Topics in Teaching Writing  (1-3)  

Various topics related to the teaching of writing not covered in other English courses. May be repeated with different topics.

EN 5645  Teaching Writing: Knowledge & Experience  (3)  

An introduction to methods and philosophies of the teaching of writing, with a focus on grades 5-12. Students explore philosophical elements of a process/environmental approach to teaching writing for responsive teaching in a democratic and pluralistic society. Not open to students who have earned credit for EN 5640. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): acceptance into Teacher Certification Candidacy.

EN 5875  Teaching Literature: Knowledge & Experience  (3)  

An introduction to methods and philosophies of the teaching of literature and reading, with a focus on grades 5-12. Students examine adolescent literature and explore a response-based cultural studies approach to teaching literature. Not open to students who have earned credit for EN 5870. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): acceptance into Teacher Certification Candidacy.

EN 5900  English Education Teaching Internship  (1-12)  

Capstone experience for educator certification majors leading to certification in English grades 5-12. The internship is a continuous, full-time experience during which students gradually assume full responsibility for teaching a full schedule of classes at the middle or high school level in English/language arts. Pass/No Pass.

EN 5910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Enrichment of the background of students in education through the pursuit of a special topic pertinent to their interests and abilities. A chance for an in-depth study of a problem in the field of English. Consent of a faculty supervisor and department chair is required.