Data Analytics (DAT)

DAT 3000  Intro to Data Analytics  (4)  

A picture is worth a thousand words. Learn to create beautiful and informative charts to draw insights about a topic you feel passionate about, whether it’s climate change, social injustice, or sports data. You are welcome to bring your dataset if you have one. No prior programming experience is required. Course topics include importing, subsetting, reshaping, joining, and visualizing data. Springs and Falls. (QRCO) (TECO)

DAT 3100  Intermediate Data Analytics  (4)  

Data-informed decision-making is a top priority for organizations and individuals alike, so data-analytics skills are highly valued. Make predictions based on real-world data. You will also learn to connect, wrangle, query data from a database using SQLite. Course topics include data wrangling and visualization, predictive modeling, and SQL. Springs and Falls.

Prerequisite(s): DAT 3000

DAT 3200  Building Predictive Web App  (4)  

Build predictive, interactive web apps and deploy them on the Web. Your apps will allow users to alter inputs and see how predictions respond to the changed inputs. Start building your data analytics portfolio with the latest technologies and show it off to the rest of the World! Course topics include data dashboard, predictive modeling, and SQL. Springs and Falls.

Prerequisite(s): DAT 3100