Geography & Env Planning (GEDI)

GEDI 1200  Environmental Geography  (3)  

Examines the Earth as the home of humans. Develops a foundation by investigating Earth Systems and Cycles, such as the atmosphere, the lithosphere and the oceans. Looks at human interaction with and impact upon these systems. Students develop skills with the tools of geography in our analyses, such as map interpretation, geographic information systems and aerial image analysis. Falls and Springs. (SIDI)

GEDI 1400  Globalization and Diversity  (3)  

Provides students an opportunity to investigate the changing world around them as it is molded by the conflicting trends of globalization and local diversity, identifying how these issues impact their own lives. Is the world today becoming "smaller" as regional boundaries become less important and communication across the world becomes easier? Or are the differences between cultures becoming more distinct separating people as members of historically isolated regions grasp to maintain cultural identity in the face of threatening uniformity? Applies the viewpoint of historical geography, utilizing related concepts of pattern and process to better identify historical trends which have molded each major world region. Emphasis is put on ways of thinking geographically and the analysis of regional patterns as a context for the characterization of the current major world regions and challenging their definition by considering the historical influences which have created them. Falls. (PPDI)

GEDI 1500  Globalization & Local Diversity  (4)  

Provides students an opportunity to investigate the changing world around them as it is shaped by the conflicting trends of globalization and local diversity, identifying how these issues impact their own lives. Applies the viewpoint of historical geography, utilizing related concepts of pattern and process to better identify historical trends which have molded each major world region. Springs and Falls. (PPDI)

GEDI 2400  Mapping Our World: Creating Realities  (4)  

Investigates the use of maps, GIS, GPS, and other geospatial technologies in our personal and professional lives. Students are required to create maps and analyze existing maps based on best practices within cartography. Topics focus around current issues such as the use of maps in media, electoral politics, environmental analysis, marketing and advertising, immigration, and social patterns. Falls and Springs. (CTDI)