Business (BUDI)

BUDI 2350  Personal Financial Planning  (4)  

This course will show students how to assess their current financial situation, provide tools and develop skills for personal financial planning. Students will discover personal budgeting techniques, the importance of liquidity management, handling large purchases, managing credit, the role of insurance, retirement planning options, and be introduced to investment fundamentals and estate planning. Not open to students who have earned credit in BUDI 2300. Springs and Falls. (SSDI)

BUDI 2400  Personal Financial Planning  (4)  

This course familiarizes students with personal finance, helping them assess their financial situation and develop planning skills. Students learn budgeting, utilizing financial services, managing credit, exploring retirement, and gaining knowledge in investments and estate planning. It explores the benefits managing one’s finances has on health and well-being. This course is for all majors, providing lifelong information and skills. Springs and Falls. (SSDI) (WECO)

BUDI 2840  Career Exploration  (4)  

Designed to acquaint students with the characteristics and expectations of the work world in the 21st century, including coverage of job insecurity, the importance of developing and maintaining marketable skills through lifelong learning and the critical importance of ethical and professional behavior in gaining employment and avoiding layoff. The skills provided in this course is relevant to all majors. Springs and Falls. (SSDI)