Economics (ECN)

ECN 3100  Intermediate Macroeconomics  (4)  

This course uses the tools of macroeconomics to study various macroeconomic problems in-depth. The problems range from economic growth in the long run, to government finances in the intermediate run, and economic stability in the short run. Many mathematical techniques and economic models are applied. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 1400 or EC 2550 and EC 2560, and MA 2200 or MA 2210.

ECN 3200  Intermediate Microeconomics  (4)  

Microeconomic theory is a branch of economics that concerns with how individuals (and firms) make choices when facing constraints and how these choices affect the allocation of scarce resources. It is based on the notion that consumers and firms have well defined objectives (e.g., maximizing utility or profits) and behave systematically according to the incentives within the constraints of their economic environment. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 1400, or EC 2550 and EC 2560.

ECN 3300  Managerial Statistics  (4)  

This course is designed to help you understand the application of statistics and economic theory to managerial planning and business decision-making. Basic statistical concepts and the tools of regression analysis will be integrated with economic theory to find solutions to many common business problems. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 1400 or EC 2550 and EC 2560.

ECN 4100  Money and Banking  (4)  

This course is designed to help students understand the connections between money, financial markets, the banking sector and the macroeconomy. In particular, how interest rates are determined and behave? How does the central banks conduct monetary policy? How does the financial crisis occur and why? How do interest rate and monetary policy affect foreign exchange? Springs and Falls.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 1400, or EC 2550 and EC 2560.

ECN 4200  International Finance and Economic Policy  (4)  

Internationalization and integration of financial markets present unique opportunities and risks for all kinds of corporations and investors. This course is designed to provide students with a strong conceptual background for financial decision-making related to international finance. Also offered as FIN 4200. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 2100 or BU 3210.

ECN 4400  Current Topics in Economics  (1-4)  

This special topics course expands on topics covered in other economics courses at a more advanced level and allows students to cover special topics not normally covered in depth in other economics courses. Springs Odd.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 1400 or EC 2550 and EC 2560.