Education (ED)

ED 1050  Core Skills for Educators  (1)  

Designed to review and strengthen students’ core knowledge in reading, math, and writing and better prepare them for their methods courses and professional examinations in their field. Open to any student in a teacher certification major. May be repeated once. Not open to students who have met Praxis Core requirement. Offered second half of semester for 2 hours a week. Pass/No Pass. Springs and Falls.

ED 1500  Foundations of Education  (4)  

This course explores the role of curriculum, instruction, assessment, relationships, and environment in informal settings. Special emphasis is placed on early childhood development. Through a required field experience, students observe, explore, analyze, and reflect upon these issues and gain practical understanding on how these foundational principles are applied in different setting to support all children. Falls and Springs.

ED 2400  Child and Youth Development in Context  (4)  

Explores physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of school-aged children and youth (5-18). Students explore factors that influence child and youth health and success and the ways in which family, school, and community contexts can support or hinder healthy development. Students apply their learning through observation and engagement at an assigned field placement. Springs and Falls. (WECO)

Corequisite(s): ED 2401

ED 2401  Child and Youth Development Fieldwork  (0)  

The purpose of this course is to facilitate students’ ability to complete fieldwork hours for ED courses. By signing up for this 0-credit fieldwork lab, students will identify a specific block of time when they will be available for placement. Students will be assigned to a specific location for their fieldwork and will be expected to attend throughout the semester. Pass/No Pass. Springs and Falls.

Corequisite(s): ED 2400

ED 2550  Mentoring & Empowering Youth  (2)  

This seminar is designed to help students develop skills and knowledge to successfully engage in mentoring youth through a meaningful service learning experience. The seminar meets twice a month. Each meeting is a time for discussion, reflection, and practicing new skills. Mentoring takes place for at least one hour per week outside of class time. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. Falls and Springs.

ED 2600  Learning and Development  (4)  

Course explores learning and various factors that influence learning. Students learn about sciences that contribute to our understanding of learning and the ways in which scientific findings are applied and misapplied today. During their time in the field students will explore STEM learning in informal and formal settings and examine application of learning sciences themselves. Falls and Springs. (WRCO)

Prerequisite(s): ED 2400 or ED 2350 or Instructor Permission.

ED 2800  Inclusive Education and Technology  (4)  

The course explores a variety of educational technologies to reach and teach all students. Learners will explore the meaning of inclusion and ways in which to achieve inclusive education through technology. Falls and Springs. (TECO)

Prerequisite(s): ED 2400.

ED 3000  Identity in a Diverse Society  (4)  

 The United States is a nation rich in cultural diversity. For community members to prosper, individuals must understand how perceived differences may affect social behavior and interpersonal relationships. Students will consider information essential to understanding individuals of diverse cultures. Emphasis will be placed on the responsibility of professionals who influence the lives of children to effect social adjustment and change. Falls and Springs. (DICO)

ED 3010  Designing Positive Learning Environments  (4)  

This course is designed to assist prospective educators in promoting prosocial behaviors in an educational setting. Emphasis is placed on establishing, fostering, and sustaining meaningful environments for learning. This course has a required field experience component. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): ED 2600 or ED 2800.

ED 3020  Competencies for Youth Development Professionals  (4)  

Students gain the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to create positive learning environments in a variety of settings for children and youth. Emphasizes development of a sense of belonging, well- being, acceptance, and safety. Students develop competencies based on national and state standards for youth development professionals. Site specific student work in the field complements classroom learning experiences. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): Youth Development option of the Elementary Education and Youth Development major, AND ED 2350 OR ED 2400.

ED 3040  Science for Elementary Educators  (3)  

This course covers the science content that educators must know to be effective classroom teachers in a K-6 setting. It focuses on the knowledge and application of the basic concepts in 3 domains, specifically life science, earth and space science, and physical science. Science and engineering practices will infuse the course to ensure meaningful application of the science content. Springs and Falls.

ED 3150  Early Literacy  (4)  

Examines the foundations of literacy instruction with an emphasis on curriculum, methods and materials for children in kindergarten through grade three. Focuses on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, core reading programs and stages of writing development in a balanced reading framework. Springs. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): Elementary Education and Youth Development Majors only, Teacher Certification Option only, Instructor permission required.

ED 3350  Classroom Planning, Management, and Organization for Middle School and Secondary Educators  (3)  

Focuses on ways to plan proactively in the secondary classroom setting. Topics include implementing appropriate classroom procedures, managing professional responsibilities and student academic work, using effective communication skills, organizing cooperative groups, and intervening to address problem behaviors. Candidates have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to construct a unit plan related to their area of study, to assess student learning effectively, and to demonstrate their understanding of the role that technology plays in their classroom. To be taken by secondary education majors in the semester before they student teach. Falls and Springs. (TECO)

Prerequisite(s): middle school and secondary education majors.

ED 3500  Project Based Learning and Design Thinking  (4)  

This course investigates principles of Design Thinking and Project Based Learning through authentic work with community partners as well as exploration and analysis of designed learning experiences for children and youth. Emphasis is on employing these high-impact practices to support the growth and learning of children and youth and to leverage change in communities. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): Junior Status, Elementary Education and Youth Development Majors only (any option).

ED 3550  Leadership and Advocacy  (4)  

Examines the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to work effectively on behalf of children and youth in a variety of settings. Explores the roles of leaders and advocates in these settings. Site specific student work in the field complements classroom learning experiences. Falls.

ED 4200  Integrated Methods: Teaching for Authentic Understanding  (9)  

The purpose of this course is to prepare preservice elementary school teachers through integrated instruction and connections to field experiences. Students will experience instructional units that integrate across content areas while also attending to children’s diverse needs. Instructors will co-teach integrated modules to help students explore instructional choices that support deep and interconnected instruction. Falls. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): Elementary Education and Youth Development Major, Teacher Certification Option.

Corequisite(s): ED 4210.

ED 4210  Integrated Methods Practicum  (3)  

Concurrent with Ed 4200, students complete a field-based experience in a K-8 placement. On-site mentors and PSU faculty supervise students. Students gain experience and relate course content to best practices in educational settings. Pass/No Pass. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): Elementary Education and Youth Development Major, Teacher Certification option.

Corequisite(s): ED 4200.

ED 4230  Education Practicum: (Topic)  (1-12)  

A supervised practicum experience in 1 of several cooperating institutions or agencies in New Hampshire. The purpose is to gain meaningful work experience through applying knowledge learned in previous course work to the on-the-job situation. Commitment includes a negotiated number of hours per week and participation in seminars. Supervision is done by the institution or agency concerned and by the University faculty. Students anticipating more than 3 hours of credit should confer early in the program with the Department Chair to free up sufficient blocks of time in their program. Offered on demand.

Prerequisite(s): permission of the advisor and the Department Chair.

ED 4240  Youth Development Seminar  (3)  

Students discuss and reflect on internship experiences and develop portfolios to demonstrate their professional competencies, experiences, and goals. Using skills and knowledge developed through course and field work, students engage in individual or team-based integrative projects responsive to the needs of internship sites or other community organizations. Falls.

Corequisite(s): ED 4330.

ED 4335  Youth Development Internship  (8)  

The Youth Development and Education Internship is a supervised experience in an approved setting providing services to children and youth or working on their behalf. In the internship students apply knowledge and skills learned in coursework and engage in self-assessment, the design of a learning contract, and reflective practice. Planning for the internship should begin during the junior year. Pass/No Pass. Falls. Instructor permission required.

Corequisite(s): ED 4240

ED 4400  Elementary Internship in Teaching  (12)  

Designed as the culminating field-based experience for Elementary Education majors leading to teacher certification. It is a continuous, full-time (5 days per week) experience during which candidates gradually assume responsibility for a full range of teaching activities within a co-teaching model. This provides an opportunity for demonstrating the appropriate professional skills, attitudes, and dispositions essential for successful teaching. The Internship in Teaching is conducted under the supervisory guidance of a Mentor Teacher and a school-based co-evaluator. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): minimum GPA of 3.00.

Corequisite(s): ED 4500.

ED 4450  Elementary Education Internship Seminar  (2)  

Taken concurrently with either Elementary Internship in Teaching (ED 4400) as a capstone experience in the Teacher Certification option of the Elementary Education and Youth Development Major. Students participate in both on campus seminars and web-based discussions. Preparation and presentation of a culminating program assessment is the focus of this experience. Springs. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): Elementary Education and Youth Development Major; Teacher Certification Option.

Corequisite(s): ED 4400.

ED 4910  Independent Study  (1-4)  

Enrichment of the background of students in education through the pursuit of a special topic pertinent to their interests and abilities. Chance for an in-depth study of a problem in the field of education. Consent required of instructor who will supervise the independent study and the Department Chair.