Game Design (GD)

GD 2000  Game Design Principles  (4)  

Introduction to the fundamental techniques, concepts, and vocabulary of game design as well as to the game design industry. Students will design and develop original non-digital prototypes and games, using iteration and playtesting best practices. Topics include formal elements of games, mechanics and dynamics, decision making, the iterative process, rapid prototyping, and the functions required of a game design team. Falls.

GD 4000  Game Design Workshop  (4)  

Students will work in teams to create a fully realized video game that addresses a particular challenge and set of conditions. Each project team is responsible for taking a game through the development process: from initial concept design to prototyping, playtesting, refinement, and final delivery. Project constraints will be provided by the instructor. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): CS 2370

GD 4800  Independent Study  (1-4)  

Offers students the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of a topic in game studies, design, and/or development that is not covered extensively in other courses. Working with guidance from a faculty member with relevant expertise, students select a specialized topic for exploration and prepare an in-depth research paper or project pertaining to that topic. Periodic conferences with the supervising instructor are expected. Consent required of the instructor who will supervise the independent study and the Game Design program coordinator. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): GD 2000

GD 4900  Internship  (1-4)  

Students engage in a work program to apply, in a practical manner, knowledge gained from their academic coursework at a site related to their major and option. To participate in an internship, students must apply to the Game Design program Coordinator. Once placed at a site, students will have both an on-campus supervisor and a site supervisor. Students must register for this course prior to beginning their internship. No retroactive credit will be granted for internships that have already been completed. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): GD2000