Health Minor

This minor provides a survey of personal health and wellness issues, choices, and outcomes.

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements
PEHE 2000Wellness Choices for Healthy Living (WECO)3
Choose one from the following:1.5-3
First Aid and CPR/AED
CPR/AED & First Aid; Basic and Instructor Training (WECO)
Content Courses
Select four of the following:12
Disease, Safety, and Environment (WECO)
Stress Management (WECO)
Mental Health Issues (WECO)
Applied Nutrition for Healthy Living (TECO)
Drug Behavior (WECO)
Sex and Family Living (WECO)
Women's Health Issues (WECO)
Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching
Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine (GACO,QRCO,WRCO)
Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating (WECO)
Total Credits16.5-18