Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor

Offered by the Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Council: Laura Dykstra (co-Chair), Diana Falco, Abby Goode, Alice Pearman, Mary Beth Ray (co-Chair), Kristin Stelmok.

The Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies minor is an interdisciplinary program which focuses on the diversity of women’s lives and work in cultural and historical perspective, and which introduces students to feminist methodologies and explores the use of gender as a tool for analyzing experience. The program is comprised of a common core course, as well as approved courses offered by several departments.

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements
WSDI 2510The F Word: Feminism in the United States (PPDI)4
Approved Courses
Complete 12 credits (at least six must be at the 3000/4000 level) from the following:12
Gender, Representation, and the Visual Arts (DICO)
Women and Crime (DICO,GACO)
Sex and Cinema in the 20th Century (and Beyond) (PPDI)
Social Justice and American Literature (DICO,SSDI)
Women's Health Issues (WECO)
Sex, Slavery, and Empire in Global History (GACO)
Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History (DICO)
Health and Illness in American History (WECO)
Treating "Madness": Mental Illness and Therapy in History (PPDI)
Ethics, Social Justice, and Policy in Public Health
Women in World Politics
Psychology of Women (DICO)
The Sociology of the Family
Health and Society (GACO,WECO)
Topics in Women's Studies
Independent Study
Total Credits16

Only one Approved Course may be selected from the student’s major field of study. At least 12 credits of the minor must be completed before the internship occurs. Internship (WS 4000) is limited to three credits in the minor. Students may submit a Student Request form to the Women’s Studies Council, to request consideration of another course to meet the Approved Courses requirement.