Administration and Faculty

Board of Trustees of the University System of New Hampshire

The University System of New Hampshire is governed by a Board of Trustees comprising the Governor of the State, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, members appointed by the Governor and Executive Council, alumni-elected members, student-elected members, the Commissioner of Education, the Commissioner of Agriculture, the presidents of the University System's colleges and universities, and the Chancellor. The Chancellor is the chief executive officer of the University System. The Board composition is stipulated by State law and is detailed in the USNH Charter, section 187- A: 13.

Committee Membership 2023-2024

The Board accomplishes its work through standing committees, Board-designated committees, and special subcommittees. For information regarding each committee's purpose and mission, please see the Committee Charges page.

Executive Committee

Alexander J. Walker, Chair
James P. Burnett III, Vice Chair
Kassandra Spanos Ardinger, Secretary
M. Jacqueline Eastwood
Cathy J. Green
Mike Pilot
J. Morgan Rutman
Gregg Tewksbury

Governance Committee

Kassandra Spanos Ardinger, Chair
Christiana Thornton, Vice Chair
James P. Burnett III
Cathy Green
Patrick W. Griffin
David A. Westover

Financial Affairs Committee

Mike Pilot, Chair
Gregg Tewksbury, Vice Chair
Kassandra Spanos Ardinger
James P. Burnett III
George S. Hansel
Kevin Knarr
Peter T. Paul
J. Morgan Rutman

Audit Committee

Gregg Tewksbury, Chair
M. Jacqueline Eastwood, Vice Chair
Shawn N. Jasper
Mackenzie Murphy
Peter T. Paul
The Governor (by statute)

Educational Excellence Committee

M. Jacqueline Eastwood, Chair
George Hansel, Vice Chair
Emily A. Coutermarsh (PSU)
Frank Edelblut
Patrick W. Griffin
Shawn N. Jasper
Mackenzie Murphy
Patrick Moore (UNH)
Wayne Semprini
Christiana Thornton
David A. Westover
Avery Ellis
    Rep. to the committee from (USSB/UNH-Law)
Zachary J. Christie
    Rep. to the committee from (USSB/KSC)
Tim Hoheneder
    Rep. to the committee from (USSB/UNH-Grad)
    Rep. to the committee from (USSB/PSU)
    Rep. to the committee from (USSB/KSC)
    Rep. to the committee from (USSB/UNH-CPS)

Investments and Capital Planning Committee

J. Morgan Rutman, Chair
Kevin Knarr, Vice Chair
George S. Hansel
Joel Nkounkou
Mike Pilot
Wayne Semprini
The Governor (by statute)
USNH Treasurer (by statute)

Nomination Committee

Cathy J. Green, Chair
J. Morgan Rutman
Gregg Tewksbury

Special Committees and/or Task Forces

Executive Compensation & Performance Review Committee

Alexander J. Walker, Chair
James P. Burnett III, Vice Chair
Kassandra Spanos Ardinger

USSB Liaison

David A. Westover

Appointments to Affiliated Boards

UNH Foundation

James P. Burnett, III
Kevin Knarr