Administration (AD)

AD 5010  Organizational Leadership in Schools  (3)  

Students in the educational leadership program are strongly encouraged to take this course first in the educational leadership course sequence. Roles and functions of administrators in elementary and secondary schools will be addressed. A variety of theories will be analyzed and applied in the context of the dynamic milieu, personal and group biases, and the multivariate issues facing organizational life in schools.

AD 5020  Staff Development & Evaluation  (3)  

Major functions concerning the supervision of staff in a school setting including the selection, orientation, and development of staff members will be covered. Theories and techniques for promoting a positive school climate will be explored and applied. Alternative approaches to assessing and enhancing a staff's instructional competence will be examined.

Prerequisite(s): AD 5010 or EP 7020, and AD 5830 or EP 7040.

AD 5300  Managing Educational Resources  (3)  

Explore and apply the characteristics of effective leadership and resource management for education-specific programs and initiatives, including fiscal, physical, and human resources. Identify funding sources and potential opportunities to help obtain and develop resources to meet school and district needs.

AD 5330  Leadership in Curriculum Development and Assessment  (3)  

Leading the participatory process for developing curricula in schools will be addressed. The relationship of philosophy, a school's identity, and mission to curricula is emphasized. Included are strategies for developing, assessing, and revising curricula as well as a review of recent research and trends. The course is intended for experienced educators who currently fill or aspire to the roles of school principal, team leader, or department chair.

AD 5700  School Law  (3)  

Federal and state laws that apply to school systems, educational programs, and personnel will be discussed. Also covered will be the legal prerogatives available to the administrator and local boards of education. Consideration of constitutional, statutory, and case-law foundations of education systems, and the school administrator's role will be discussed.

AD 5800  Practicum in Educational Leadership: The Principalship  (3-6)  

The purpose of the practicum is to provide students with meaningful field-based experiences that focus on the role of a school administrator. This is a collaborative, 300-hour supervised experience intended to support students in applying the knowledge, skills, and understandings they have gained throughout their principal certification program. Supervision of the practicum is the responsibility of two individuals: the university instructor, a Plymouth State University faculty member; and the site supervisor (or mentor), a school administrator currently holding principal certification. Attendance at three seminar sessions is required during the practicum. The seminars, combined with the field experience, focus on current issues in the students' practicum sites and specifically on issues of the principalship.

Prerequisite(s): admission to the Principal certification program and AD 5010 or EP 7020, AD 5020, AD 5700 or EP 7060, AD 5300, AD 5330 or EP 7210, AD 5830 or EP 7040.

AD 5830  Educational Planning and Problem Solving  (3)  

An overview of sound planning and evaluation models as applied to specific educational problems. Discussion will include collaborative strategies to implement effective change within the school setting.

Prerequisite(s): AD 5010.