Education (ED)

ED 5000  Understanding Social Behaviors  (3)  

Recognizing that social behavior occurs within an intercultural context, that include ethical components, students will develop the basic knowledge and foundations necessary to understand and influence social behavior in a diverse society. Texts, readings, and learning modules have been chosen and/or designed to facilitate the student’s ability to understand the nature of social behavior cross culturally. Springs, Falls, Summers.

ED 5010  Philosophy, Ethics & Education  (3)  

A study of the historical, philosophical, and social-philosophic foundations of education. Emphasis is placed upon the ideas of the classical, medieval, Enlightenment, and post-Enlightenment periods that have influenced types of American educational systems relative to their mission and purpose. Analysis of how these systems have defined ethics and the characteristics of the virtuous person. Springs only.

ED 5030  Research Design  (3)  

Knowledge and understanding of the commonly accepted research designs. Study of research instruments and statistics used in educational research. Wide reading in various types of research design. Critical analysis of research design.

ED 5060  Exploring Learning Theories and Cognitive Growth  (3)  

This online class is a journey through learning theories and cognitive development, with an emphasis on practical application, inclusive approaches, and the integration of technology. Personalize learning with choices in discussions, infographic creation, and a customizable final inquiry project. Springs, Falls, Summers.

ED 5140  Assessment: Principles and Practices  (3)  

The emphasis throughout this course is on the practical application of appraisal techniques in education. Critical concepts related to assessment and the integration of assessment into teaching and learning include: the role of assessment in teaching, how validity is determined, factors influencing reliability, avoiding stereotypes, understanding and using numerical data, using standardized assessment to improve instruction, and ideas and strategies for mining and reporting assessment data. Falls only.

ED 5270  Foundations of Teaching  (3)  

An introduction to the teaching profession and the realities of teaching in today's schools. A series of seminars includes such topics as the history and structure of education, societal issues, the role of the teacher, instructional planning, legal rights and responsibilities of students and teachers, learning styles and effective teaching. A school observation/participation experience of a minimum of 30 hours is required.

ED 5500  Special Topics in Education  (1-3)  

An in-depth study of a particular topic, contemporary issue, or concern. The course will be taught by a specialist within the field being studied, or as an alternative methodology, a faculty member will coordinate a series of guest speakers who will address the topic. Since topics vary, the course may be repeated with permission of the instructor.

ED 5713  Internship in Learning and Teaching  (12)  

Designed as the culminating field-based experience for the PDS Postbac majors leading to teacher certification. It is a continuous, full-time (5 days per week) experience of 12 credits during which candidates gradually assume responsibility for a full range of teaching activities encountered in a school situation through co-teaching and collaboration. This provides an opportunity for demonstrating the appropriate professional skills, attitudes, and dispositions essential for successful teaching. The Internship in Teaching is conducted under the supervisory guidance of a co-teacher mentor-supervision team. Pass/ No Pass. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.00.

Corequisite(s): ED 5790.

ED 5714  Co-Teaching and Collaboration: Problem based Curriculum and Assessment  (4)  

Approaches and methods for co-teaching, project-based learning curriculum design and assessment; coursework includes practical applications through development of projects, interdisciplinary learning progressions and competency-based assessments. Required for candidates seeking licensure in the PDS Postbac major. Requires a 6-week practicum 2 days per week. This course is taught offsite in a PSU PDS school. Pass/No Pass. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): NSTA Content Analysis Transcript Review, Passing Praxis Core and Praxis II, GPA of 3.0.

Corequisite(s): ED 5717.

ED 5715  Co-Teaching, Collaboration and Differentiation for Exceptional and ELL Learners  (4)  

Approaches and methods for teaching diverse learners, legal and federal compensatory regulations; coursework includes practical applications through development of differentiated instructional strategies and policy materials to support equity in schools regardless of race, ethnicity, language, ability, economic status or identity identification. Required for candidates seeking licensure in the PDS Postbac major. Requires a 6-week practicum 2 days per week. Pass/No Pass. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): NSTA Content Analysis Transcript Review, Passing Praxis Core and Praxis II. GPA of 3.00.

Corequisite(s): ED 5717.

ED 5716  Creating Professional, Organizational and Educational Communities of Learning  (4)  

Approaches and methods for developing professional, organizational and educational communities; coursework includes learning and development K-12, school-based leadership and responsibilities, engaging families, culturally sustaining pedagogies and community outreach and partnerships. Required for candidates seeking licensure in the PDS Postbac major. Requires a 6-week practicum 2 days per week. Pass/No Pass. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): NSTA Content Analysis Transcript Review, Passing Praxis Core and Praxis II, GPA of 3.00.

Corequisite(s): ED 5717.

ED 5717  Teaching Reading through Content  (3)  

Approaches and methods for teaching reading through content materials; coursework includes practical applications through development of instructional strategies and materials. Required for candidates seeking teaching licensure in the PDS Postbac majors: Life Science, earth and space science, Chemistry, Physics and Middle School Science. Requires an 18-week practicum 2 days per week. Pass/No Pass. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): NSTA Content Analysis Transcript Review, Passing Praxis Core and Praxis II.

Corequisite(s): ED 5714, ED 5715, ED 5716.

ED 5790  Internship in Learning and Teaching Seminar NHTCAP  (3)  

Taken concurrently with Internship in Teaching and intended to act as a capstone experience in PDS Postbac Teacher Certification programs. Students participate in both face-to-face and web-based discussions. Focuses on theory in practice; establishes a professional learning community for reflection, dialogue, and inquiry; assists pre-service teachers in their transition into profession and complete the NHTCAP. Pass/No Pass. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.00.

Corequisite(s): ED 5717.

ED 6100  Curriculum Integration and Performance -Based Assessment  (3)  

This course will focus on assessing curricula and assessment practices which correlate with state and national standards. Students will be introduced to a range of curriculum models. Various strategies and the administration of performance-based assessment will be studied. This course is designed for students in the Elementary and Secondary Teacher Certification programs. Not offered in 20/21.

ED 6900  Graduate Capstone Project  (1-12)  

The purpose of the graduate capstone is to apply knowledge learned in previous coursework through an approved project. Capstone projects should focus on the following questions: How will the theories learned throughout the program be integrated into a coherent project or experience? How will this work enhance individual career goals? Who are the stakeholders and how will this work assist them? How does this work serve the professional community? How will this work help move the profession forward? Process: Students should plan for approximately 40 hours of work per credit to be earned. The total number of credits earned must be approved by their advisor and noted on their program contract. Candidates must submit Graduate Capstone Project forms with their registration and Capstone Projects must be approved by candidates' advisors and the Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies. Once completed, candidates are expected to present their final products to their adviser and/or PSU faculty members. Students who anticipate working on their project for more than one term should register for the appropriate number of credits in each term so that they remain registered throughout the course of the project. Repeatable up to 12 credits.