Elementary Education (EL)

EL 5960  Teaching Internship in Elementary Education  (1-6)  

This culminating field-based teaching experience for elementary certification candidates affords the candidate with an opportunity to apply theory to practice, and to build upon the dispositions, understandings, knowledge and skills developed thus far in the program. The successful candidate does not leave the experience knowing fully "how to teach", but instead has a strong and balanced practice, and knows how to learn to teach---an important distinction given the dynamic nature of the field, and of our times. The successful candidate will demonstrate competence in all state and national initial teacher certification standards for elementary education professionals. Candidates will work with a University supervisor and field-based mentor teacher to determine a schedule for the experience that includes observation, co-teaching, and solo teaching. Four (4) observations will be conducted by the University supervisor. The mentor teacher provides daily feedback. Both will complete formal midterm and final evaluations of candidate's teaching. Participation in an online seminar is required of all teaching interns. There are three (3) options for scheduling 300 hours of the teaching internship experience: 1. a focused 300 hour (12 weeks) full-time public school placement approved by the Office of Educator Preparation. 2. a part-time (minimum 2 days per week) public school placement totaling 300 hours approved by the Office of Educator Preparation. 3. 300 hours integrated into the work responsibilities of an employed elementary education paraprofessional or professional, per approval of the employing school district and the Office of Educator Preparation. Candidates must submit passing Praxis II: Elementary/Multiple Subjects Scores to the University prior to registration.