Health (HL)

HL 5150  Eating Disorders Clinical  (3)  

This clinical experience is a capstone course for those enrolled in the eating disorders certificate program. Students will be able to choose a focus on awareness, prevention, and education experience or a clinical experience working in an eating disorders treatment facility for 120 hours.

Prerequisite(s): 12 credits of Eating Disorders certificate program. Also offered as CO 5150.

HL 5210  Lifestyle & Wellness Coaching  (1)  

This course is designed to introduce students to the field of lifestyle and wellness coaching. Over half of what affects your health is your choice of lifestyle. The course will discuss a variety of coaching methodologies to help people to create healthier lives for themselves. Basic principles of wellness, motivational interviewing, standards, certification, ethics in the coaching profession, and the varieties of types of coaching programs will be discussed.

HL 5215  Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching  (3)  

Introduces students to the field of lifestyle and wellness coaching. Over half of what affects health is your choice of lifestyle. The course will discuss a variety of coaching methodologies to help people to create healthier lives. Principles will include information on wellness, motivational interviewing, national standards/certification, ethics in the coaching profession, and the types of coaching programs.

HL 5750  Individual Research: Health Education  (1-3)  

Designed so that students may pursue, in depth, a personal interest in the field of allied health. Students, working with a faculty advisor, carry out research from design to completion. The final product must be approved by the faculty advisor and/or faculty committee. Offered according to demand.

HL 5800  Practicum in Health Education  (1-3)  

Field experience in an agency or institution involved in the planning and evaluation of health education. Work experience guided by qualified supervisors in conjunction with Plymouth faculty. Periodic written reports, field-based projects and comprehensive portfolio review. Offered according to demand.