Health Promotion (HP)

HP 5010  Scientific Foundations of Health Behavior  (3)  

This course is designed to familiarize students with the health sciences related to health education and promotion, and to provide experiences in the use of the literature related to the health sciences. The primary focus of the course is on human behavior as it influences health and is influenced by health education and promotion programs. Springs.

HP 5020  Designing and Implementing Health Promotion Programs  (3)  

Provides students with the information and resources that will enable them to develop skills in program planning for health promotion. Needs assessment, goal and objective formulation, instructional methods and materials, program implementation, and evaluation will be included.

Prerequisite(s): HP 5010. Offered Springs.

HP 5030  Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs  (3)  

Gives students the tools and skills they need to design and conduct health program valuations. Evaluation purposes, levels, methods, designs, and measurement issues will be covered.

Prerequisite(s): HP 5020 and ED 5030. Offered Summers.

HP 5070  Community Health Promotion  (3)  

The focus of this course will be to review basic program planning skills, implementation, and evaluation of community and worksite health promotion programs. The class will plan, implement and evaluate a health promotion program, i.e. wellness fair, or workshop. Students will learn grant writing skills, pamphlet/newsletter development and will be introduced to the field of wellness/health coaching and facilitator trainings i.e. smoking cessation.

Prerequisite(s): HP 5020. Offered Summers.

HP 5090  Mind Body Techniques for Stress and Health  (3)  

The focus of this course will be to introduce the student to mind-body techniques for stress management and health issues. Some of the techniques will include yoga, breathing, meditation, progressive relaxation, imagery, and massage as well as an introduction to the field of integrative medicine. Some of the therapies discussed will include energy medicine, aromatherapy, and acupuncture. Early Springs.

HP 5130  Teaching Strategies in Health Education  (3)  

Focuses on instructional strategies for K-12 health education. Provides an opportunity to study and apply methodologies for standards-based unit planning, lesson development, student assessment, and teaching strategies for effective K-12 health education instruction in the differentiated classroom. Practical experience at the public school setting is required in order to facilitate practice and application of planning, assessment and teaching methodologies.

HP 5300  Principles of Physical Activity and Nutrition  (3)  

A survey of concepts and current issues in nutrition and physical activity. Students will be engaged in current research, guidelines and health behavior theories/models to better understand and be able to promote healthy eating and active living in various populations.

HP 5310  Promoting Emotional Well-Being  (3)  

This course focuses on emotional health and its relationship to school-aged children. Primary emphasis will be placed on recognizing factors influencing emotional well-being and development. In addition, considering all school-aged learners, recognition, development, and facilitation of methods related to constructive responses, positive personal and social skills, and emotional aspects of mental health will be examined. Summers.

HP 5560  Special Topics in Health Promotion  (1-4)  

This course will cover various topics in Health Promotion.

HP 5960  Health Education Teaching Internship  (1-12)  

The health education teaching internship is the culminating capstone experience for students seeking teacher certification in K-12 Health Education. This course offers a comprehensive review and practical applications of educational philosophy, methods, and strategies through a 15-week internship experience that includes coursework and seminars. The central coursework is composed of a 15-week field experience, with a concurrent seminar serving as a supportive and reinforcing component. During the seminar sessions, the teacher candidate will explore, in depth, such topics as rules, regulations, and policies; professional ethics; best practices, state and national teacher standards; teaching strategies; current trends in education; review and discussion of essential teaching competencies; Bloom's Taxonomy as it relates to comprehensive student assessment; self-assessment; and assessment of the internship experience. This is a continuous, full-time (five days per week) experience of 6-9 credits* structured observations, assistance and eventually a full range of teaching activities in a school situation. Falls and Winter/Spring. Prerequisite (s): 3.0 cumulative grade point average, successful completion of HHP Health Content Exam, and all coursework completed. Approval necessary by the program coordinator, and secondary field placement supervisor as well as participating in Seminar 1 and 2 prior to beginning the internship. *Teacher candidates who secure a full time teaching job register for the 6 credit internship in teaching and must be evaluated across 24 weeks. Candidates must verify employment with the Office of Educator Preparation.