Library Media Studies (LM)

LM 5010  Leadership & Management  (3)  

This course will focus on the role and functions of instructional leadership through information and technology management in P-12 Schools. The topics covered will include library and technology instruction, collaboration, planning, and assessment of programs. We will also look at the developments and trends in libraries and technology and how it impacts information-centered organizations. Topics include strategic planning, ethics, and advocacy. Also offered as CE 5010.

LM 5020  Cataloging and Curation  (3)  

This course will introduce the principles of organization and curation of information. Topics covered will include organization of print and non-print collections, classification systems, and MARC records. Emphasis will be placed on how curation of resources impacts student learning. Library automation systems and their management, copy cataloging, and trends in technology will also be covered.

LM 5030  Resource Selection & Instruction  (3)  

This course will introduce candidates to concepts, principles, and current developments in information services for the school library/media center including how to create a collection that supports the learning needs of the school community. Topics cover curriculum, selection tools, policies, and the procedures for developing, maintaining, and evaluating print and digital collections.

LM 5040  Technology & Innovation  (3)  

This course is designed to provide School Library Media Specialists, Technology Integrators, and other educators with hands-on experiences with innovative technology and the effects on the 21st century classroom. Current and emerging digital tools will be explored. Other topics covered include collaboration, teamwork, and programming in P-12. Also offered as CE 5040.

LM 5050  Media Literacy: Information Agency for Digital Citizens  (3)  

This eight-week asynchronous online course will develop critical thinking skills to enable educators and learners to better identify reliable information found on the Internet, in news reports, and on social media to become better informed about the world in which we live. The course will prepare educators to distinguish fact from fiction and teach that skill to K-12 learners. The course takes a dialectical perspective that focuses on both theory and practice. Springs and Summers.

LM 5210  Practicum in School Media  (3)  

The practicum is to provide the student with a supervised field experience in one of several cooperating institutions or agencies. The purpose is to gain meaningful work experience through applying knowledge learned in previous coursework to the on-the-job situation. Commitment includes a negotiated number of hours per week. Supervision is by the institution or agency concerned and by PSU faculty.

LM 5300  Advanced Topics in Children and Young Adult Literature  (3)  

This advanced course focuses on enhancing reading engagement through the exploration of children's and young adult literature. Candidates will gain an understanding of developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs and how they relate to promoting reading engagement. The examination of strategies, technology integration, collaboration, and reflection will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to create inclusive and impactful reading environments. Falls and Summers.

LM 5910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

An in-depth study of a particular topic, contemporary issue or concern. Topic must receive approval by the Program Coordinator.