Special Education (SE)

SE 5181  Collaborative Action Research in Special Education  (3)  

A course for special education teaching practitioners in which a school-based problem is examined from the standpoint of how it can be best addressed given what is known about evidence-based practices in the field of special education. A blueprint for solving the problem is prepared including a statement and purpose for the action research (including essential definitions), what is known about the issue in the special education literature, the scope, assumptions and limitations of the project, and research questions and hypotheses. Course culmination will include collection of data, analysis of that data, conclusions and recommendations based on the impact on students with disabilities and student outcomes.

SE 5190  Educational Testing  (3)  

This course will focus on administering, scoring, interpreting and reporting on achievement, special skill and diagnostic tests used in special education and school psychology. The emphasis will be on diagnosis and prescriptive writing. It is restricted to special education students.

SE 5300  Special Education Law  (3)  

This three-credit course will give participants a greater understanding of both federal and New Hampshire special education law. Time will be spent on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This course is designed and intended for teachers and special education administrators. You do not need to be a law student to succeed in this class. There is a heavy emphasis in this course on theory to practice, "practical news you can use" the next day in your profession. Students will review the most current cases and trends in special education law, analyze cases, and learn how to research both statutory and case law.

SE 5400  Classroom Interventions and Special Education Strategies  (3)  

Analysis of models and dynamics involved in planning, teaching, and evaluating environments for special needs students. An overview of special education, characteristics of individuals with disabilities, individualized educational plans, functional behavior assessment, practical teaching strategies, and the New Hampshire Special Education Process and Policies. An observation component of 15 hours will be required of all students not presently in a school or teaching situation.

SE 5563  Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Universal Interventions  (3)  

This course provides an in-depth examination of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) with emphasis on school-wide approaches designed to enhance school climate and the emotional well being of all students. Students will learn how to create and nurture a leadership team of stakeholders who are responsible for school wide implementation as well as evidence based strategies for improving behavior and academic achievement. Topics include developing school wide expectations, creating a behavior matrix, designing teaching scripts to address prosocial behaviors, creating a school wide reinforcement system, determining office versus classroom referrals, designing a data-based system for behavior, and evaluating the universal system using data based decision making and utilizing data for improving practice.

SE 5564  Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Comprehensive and Intensive Interventions  (3)  

This course exposes students to comprehensive, multi-system approaches designed to enhance the emotional well being and reduce the problem behavior of students with intense and chronic needs including those identified as emotionally disturbed under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Using the PBIS approach to systems change, students will learn how to develop and implement, in collaboration with families and community partners, a process for addressing the behavior and functioning of students who are not experiencing success with universal and targeted interventions. Topics include wraparound planning for multiple life domains, interagency coordination, family involvement, community involvement, methods for changing behavior, affect and cognitions, and evaluating the intensive system using data based decision making.

SE 5568  Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Facilitation and Leadership  (3)  

This course provides students with the collaboration and consultation skills necessary to enhance the emotional well being and reduce the problem behaviors of all students in schools, including those identified as emotionally disturbed under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Within the context of a positive behavioral interventions and support model, student will learn how to be a school based PBIS coach in order to support the systems of change process in their schools. Topics include the process of systems change, collaboration with families and community agencies, team development and building, data based decision making and nurturing the PBIS initiative.

SE 5570  Autism and Spectrum Disorders  (3)  

This course will deal with the specifics of autism focusing on cognitive impairment, communication disorders and all their subgroups. Specific definitions, special education rights and legislation will be discussed in terms of these special populations. Assessment of intellectual functioning, behaviors, assessment procedures,classroom adaptations, sensory supports, developing curriculum and goals, independent life skills and functional skills, as well as transition to career will be discussed in detail.

SE 5581  Technology for Diverse Learners  (3)  

This course provides an in-depth look of the use of technology with diverse learners. An overview of two federal laws (IDEA and NCLB) and the examination of the research of learning technologies will be presented. Students will be engaged in hands-on experience with desktop software, online resources and specialized software designed to support diverse learners. Opportunities will be provided for students to develop classroom activities and curriculum planning guidelines for integrating technology tools into the content areas to accommodate a range of student learning differences.

SE 5600  Language & Learning Disability  (3)  

This introductory course will cover the following areas: definition of LD, reading problems, language deficits both oral and written, mathematics underachievement, social skills deficits, attention and behavioral problems, academic achievement, and comorbidity with other disabilities, prevalence, environmental factors, standardized, criterion referenced, informal reading, curriculum-based measurement, and testing. Educational approaches such as explicit instruction, content enhancement, and placement alternatives will be explored. Current issues and future trends in the field of LD will be discussed.

SE 5760  Collaboration, Consultation and Leadership in Special Education  (3)  

This course is designed to assist participants in examining the nature of collaboration in organizations, the consultation process and essential leadership skills in special education. Students will learn about the nature of collaboration and examine examples of effective collaboration skills, as well as participate in guided practice of those skills. Emphasis will be given to concepts of intervention, management models and an analysis of the variety of special education needs.

Prerequisite(s): SE 5300, SE 5600, SE 5770, and SE 6040.

SE 5765  Working with Families and Children: Ethical and Legal Issues  (3)  

Focuses on the ethics of special education laws, regulations and policies. Students will use case studies that pose ethical dilemmas in order to understand the complex issues underlying such issues as inclusion, labeling, IDEA, least restrictive environment (LSE) compliance, due process, parent involvement, awareness of ethical responsibilities, ethical decision making, confidentiality, record keeping, and informed consent. The spirit versus the letter and the morality of special education will also be explored. A special focus will be on transacting an ethic of care in school best practices that promote democratic decision making, advocacy, and the empowerment of parents.

SE 5770  Behavioral Disorders in School Aged Children  (3)  

This course is designed to provide teachers with increased understanding of the needs of children who display maladaptive behaviors associated with conduct disorders in school settings. Students will investigate specific causes, diagnosis, assessment methods, interventions, etiology, co-morbidity, subtypes, pharmacotherapy, the role of the classroom teacher, and possible resources.

SE 5960  Special Education Teaching Internship  (1-12)  

A supervised field experience in one of several cooperating institutions or agencies. The purpose is to gain meaningful work experience through applying knowledge learned in previous coursework to the on the- job situation. Commitment includes a negotiated number of hours per week. Supervision is done by the institution or agency concerned and by PSU faculty.

SE 5961  Special Education Teaching Internship  (1-12)  

A supervised field experience in one of several cooperating institutions. The purpose is to gain meaningful work experience through applying knowledge learned in coursework to the on-the-job situation. Commitment includes 12 hours per week within the school environment over three days, and one three-hour seminar per month.

SE 6040  Curriculum Development in Special Education  (3)  

This course is designed to assist candidates in acquiring the skills, knowledge and competencies necessary for curriculum development as it relates to special education and the general education curricula. Each participant will have the opportunity to examine models of curriculum-based assessment designed to generate better educational programs for students with disabilities. Each student will demonstrate an understanding of the instructional process with emphasis on students with disabilities. Keys to this understanding will include management considerations, instructional practices and evaluative and collaborative activities.

SE 7800  Special Educational Leadership Practicum  (3-6)  

A collaborative supervised field experience in one of several cooperating institutions or agencies. The purpose is to gain meaningful work experience as a special education administrator through applying knowledge learned in coursework to on-the-job situations.