TE 5003  Language Acquisition  (3)  

This course will examine the nature of first and second language acquisition and development. Topics include first language acquisition, second language acquisition by children and adults, bilingualism, and their applications to language teaching. The course provides an overview of current theories of language acquisition. Not open to students who have earned credit in LL 5003.

TE 5004  Language & Linguistics  (3)  

Provides prospective language teachers with an introduction to the study of language. Principal topics include sociolinguistic theories, language variation, and pragmatics; and the classroom implications of phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax. Not open to students who have earned credit in LL 5004.

TE 5005  Foundations of TESOL Methodology  (3)  

Participants learn the foundations of communicative language teaching to non-native speakers in multicultural and homogenous classrooms. Topics include content-based instruction, teaching of the four skills, curriculum development, and lesson planning and execution. Participants acquire and practice the skills needed to teach language to students of all ages and abilities. Not open to students who have earned credit in LL 5005.

TE 5006  Language Evaluation and Assessment  (3)  

Participants in this course explore different approaches for creating, evaluating, and scoring both formal and informal language assessment measures for students of different ages and ability levels. Topics include authentic communicative assessment measures; portfolio assessment, standardized testing, test biases and testing different skills. This course foregrounds authentic and useful classroom language assessment measures. Not open to students who have earned credit in LL 5006.

TE 5007  ESOL Literacy  (3)  

Participants in this course examine the theories and practice of second language reading and writing acquisition. Topics include developing literate behaviors, decoding, guided reading, shared reading and writing, and the writing process. The focus of the course is to develop participants' proficiency in teaching reading and writing to students of different ages and ability levels through phonics, whole language, and integrated approaches. Not open to students who have earned credit in LL 5007.

TE 5009  Intercultural Communication in Multilingual Classrooms  (3)  

This course examines the importance of cultural perspectives in language education for non-native speakers. Emphasis is placed on understanding the role of acculturation on academic success, and programmatic alternatives and pedagogy for English language learners in a pluralistic society. The course explores the impact of cultural backgrounds of language-minority students and their families, and their adjustment to a new society, on language acquisition and academic achievement. Not open to students who have earned credit in LL 5009.

TE 5010  Grad Practicum in TESOL  (1-9)  

This practicum serves as field experience for ESOL certification candidates and for students taking a self-designed M.Ed. with a concentration in TESOL but without K-12 certification. A candidate seeking ESOL teacher certification must do the practicum in a New Hampshire public school; a candidate not seeking ESOL teacher certification can do the practicum in any approved setting. Commitment includes regular meetings with the course instructor and the development of a professional portfolio that fulfills all NH required teacher competencies. Supervision will be done jointly by the cooperating institution and Plymouth State University faculty. Permission of instructor is required. Pass/No Pass.

TE 5050  Mainstream Classroom Strategies for English Language Learners  (3)  

This course is designed especially for mainstream teachers who want to know more about how to better meet the needs of English language learners (ELLs) in their classroom. It provides an in-depth examination of widely-used, evidence-based techniques for teaching non-native speakers of English within the mainstream classroom. In addition to an overview of current theories for teaching English language learners, the course foregrounds strategies and practical hands-on ways for engaging, teaching and assessing ELLs within the K-12 mainstream classroom. Participants gain a theoretical grounding as well as practice with scaffolding content for language learners, and developing individualized learner strategies. This course includes instruction in using CALLA, the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach, and SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol), with ELLs. Not open to students who have earned credit in LL 5050.

TE 5960  Language Education Teaching Internship  (1-9)  

This course is the culminating field-based teaching experience for teacher certification students in the MEd Language Education, TESOL. Successful completion of this class leads to NH K-12 ESOL certification. Candidates must have completed all coursework for certification before taking this course. The 9-credit internship is continuous and full-time (five days per week) during which, after a period of structured observation, the intern gradually assumes responsibility for a full range of teaching activities encountered in a school situation, thereby demonstrating the appropriate professional skills and attitudes essential for successful ESOL teaching at the K-12 levels. In the 6-credit internship, interns will maintain and improve upon the full range of teaching activities they practice every day at the elementary/ middle, or secondary level, and will supplement with additional experience at the secondary or elementary/middle level. Both internships provide an opportunity for demonstrating the appropriate professional skills, attitudes, and dispositions essential for successful teaching. The internship is conducted under the supervisory guidance of school mentors and a university supervisor. A blended seminar (online and face-to-face) complements the experience. All students are required to take the Praxis II in TESOL before completion of the class. Students must make arrangements for that testing independently and have their scores sent to the Office of Educator Preparation and Professor Whiting.