Library Media (MEd)

Plymouth State University offers the only comprehensive program in New Hampshire for individuals interested in working in a school library setting or wanting to renew their New Hampshire state certification. This program is nationally recognized by the American Association of School Librarians.

According to ED 507.21 Library Media Specialist requirements, candidates must possess a baccalaureate degree and complete a combination of academic and supervised practical experiences addressing the following areas: administration; ethical, legal, and responsible use of information; collection development; teaching and learning; and literature.

Students may choose one of the following concentrations:

  • MEd in Library Media, Non-Certification
  • MEd in Library Media, K–12 Library Media Specialist Certification 
  • K-12 Library Media Specialist Certification Only
  • MEd in Library Media, K-12 Library Media Specialist and K-12 Digital Learning Specialist dual certification
  • K-12 Library Media Specialist and K–12 Digital Learning Specialist dual certification only

Requirements for certification may change, subject to changes made by the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHDOE). Teacher candidates can find the latest NHDOE standards at

Optional Concentrations in this Major

Library Media MEd, Non-Certification

Curriculum Requirements

Course Title Credits
Master's Core Component
ED 5000Understanding Social Behaviors3
IN 5400Imagination, Creativity and Innovation3
ED 5030Research Design3
Library Media Specialization Component
LM/CE 5010Leadership & Management3
LM 5030Resource Selection & Instruction3
LM/CE 5040Technology & Innovation3
LM/CE 5050Media Literacy: Information Agency for Digital Citizens3
LM 5300Advanced Topics in Children and Young Adult Literature3
Elective Component
Complete three credits from the following: LM, CE, ED, EP, SE, IN, CO, OH3
Capstone Experience
ED 6900Graduate Capstone Project3
Total Credits30

Library Media Specialist MEd, K–12 Certification

Curriculum Requirements

Course Title Credits
Master's Core Component
ED 5000Understanding Social Behaviors3
IN 5400Imagination, Creativity and Innovation3
ED 5030Research Design3
Library Media Specialist Component
LM/CE 5010Leadership & Management3
LM 5030Resource Selection & Instruction3
LM/CE 5040Technology & Innovation3
LM/CE 5050Media Literacy: Information Agency for Digital Citizens3
LM 5300Advanced Topics in Children and Young Adult Literature3
Elective Component
Complete three credits from the following: LM, CE, ED, EP, SE, IN, CO, OH3
Capstone Experience
LM 5210Practicum in School Media3
Total Credits30

Library Media Specialist K–12 Certification Only

Curriculum Requirements

Course Title Credits
Library Media Specialist Component
LM/CE 5010Leadership & Management3
LM 5030Resource Selection & Instruction3
LM/CE 5040Technology & Innovation3
LM 5050Media Literacy: Information Agency for Digital Citizens3
LM 5300Advanced Topics in Children and Young Adult Literature3
Capstone Experience
LM 5210Practicum in School Media3
Total Credits18

Dual Certification MEd: Library Media Specialist K–12 and Digital Learning Specialist K–12

Students may choose to pursue a dual-certification option to obtain Library Media Specialist K–12 and Education Technology Integrator K–12 certifications. Students may complete the dual-certification program on its own or in conjunction with a Master of Education (MEd) degree with a double major in Library Media and Education Technology Integrator.

Certified teachers are required to complete 36 credits (excluding the Learning Theory Component provided these course requirements have already been met). Non-Certified teachers are required to complete all 45 credits.

Curriculum Requirements

Course Title Credits
Master's Core Component
ED 5000Understanding Social Behaviors3
IN 5400Imagination, Creativity and Innovation3
ED 5030Research Design3
Learning Theory Component (if not previously met)
ED 5060Exploring Learning Theories and Cognitive Growth3
SE 5581Technology for Diverse Learners3
Library Media Specialist Component
LM/CE 5010Leadership & Management3
LM 5030Resource Selection & Instruction3
LM/CE 5040Technology & Innovation3
LM 5050Media Literacy: Information Agency for Digital Citizens3
LM 5300Advanced Topics in Children and Young Adult Literature3
Technology Integrator Component
CE 5120Digital Learning in K-12 Schools3
Capstone Experience
LM 5210Practicum in School Media3
CE 5960Digital Learning Specialist Teaching Internship3
Total Credits39

Dual Certification Only: Library Media Specialist K–12 and Digital Learning Specialist K–12

Curriculum Requirements

Course Title Credits
Learning Theory Component (if not previously met)
ED 5060Exploring Learning Theories and Cognitive Growth3
SE 5581Technology for Diverse Learners3
Library Media Specialist Component
LM/CE 5010Leadership & Management3
LM 5030Resource Selection & Instruction3
LM/CE 5040Technology & Innovation3
LM 5050Media Literacy: Information Agency for Digital Citizens3
LM 5300Advanced Topics in Children and Young Adult Literature3
Technology Integrator Component
CE 5120Digital Learning in K-12 Schools3
Capstone Experience
LM 5210Practicum in School Media3
CE 5960Digital Learning Specialist Teaching Internship3
Total Credits30

Library Media

  • Learners & Learning: Candidates are effective educators who demonstrate an awareness of learners’ development, promote cultural competence, respect for inclusiveness.
  • Planning for Instruction: Candidates collaborate with the learning community to strategically plan, deliver, and assess instruction.
  • Content Knowledge: Candidates are knowledgeable in literature, digital and information literacies, and current instructional technologies.
  • Organization & Access: Candidates model, facilitate, and advocate for equitable access to and the ethical use of resources.
  • Leadership: Candidates are actively engaged in ethical leadership, collaboration, advocacy, and professional networking.

Digital Learning Specialist

  • Digital Designer: Candidates will effectively use technology with differentiation, rigor, relevance, and engaging learning experiences in their practice of teaching, learning, and assessment.
  • Digital Learner: Candidates will continue to deepen knowledge and expertise with technological concepts and pedagogy.
  • Digital Citizen: Candidates will model responsible and safe participation in the digital world.
  • Collaborative Coach: Candidates will develop innovative professional learning opportunities and evaluate the impact on instructional practice and learner competencies.
  • Visionary Leader: Candidates will promote and participate in the development and implementation of collaborative strategies for the comprehensive integration of technology to foster excellence to support transformational change throughout the instructional environment.

Library Media: Candidates in this Master's level online program are prepared to become school librarians, library media specialists, teacher librarians. Candidates complete the program with certification as a Library Media Specialist in the state of NH.

Digital Learning Specialist: Candidates in this Master's level online program are prepared to become digital learning specialists, technology integrators, and/or digital learning coaches. Candidates complete the program with certification as a Digital Learning Specialist in the state of NH.