Fine Art (ARDI)

ARDI 1250  Creativity in Visual Art  (4)  

This course explores the relationship between the creative process, self-expression and communication, through the visual arts. Students experience the creative process through an exploration of studio art materials, techniques, concepts, and artists. Art is studied through consideration of the formal elements and aesthetic principles. This is a hands-on, project-based studio art course. Springs and Falls. (CTDI)

ARDI 1255  Creativity in Visual Art - Online  (4)  

This course explores the relationship between the creative process, self-expression and communication through the visual arts. Students experience the creative process through an exploration of studio art materials, techniques, concepts, and artists. Art is studied through consideration of the formal elements and aesthetic principles. This is a hands-on, project-based studio art course. Springs, Falls, Winterims.

ARDI 1300  Myths, Masks, and Identity  (3)  

Explores the relationship between one’s self and one’s relationship with one’s community and world by studying a variety of cultures and times through their mythologies, legends, fables, and folklore. Provides an opportunity to create a rich experience of self-discovery using the creative process and the visual arts as a means of exploring one’s own search for identity and creating one’s own personal mythology. Additional course fee required. Falls and Springs.. (SSDI)

ARDI 1400  The Art of Sketching  (3)  

Designed for the non-art major who would like to engage in creative process and discover the joy of sketching, drawing, and close observation. Students explore the basics of sketching and drawing with a variety of materials that can be used in the studio, on the go, and outdoors. Subjects encountered are natural and manmade objects, landscapes, portraits, figures in daily activities, and using observation to inspire imagination. No previous experience in visual art is necessary. Additional course fee required. Falls and Springs. (CTDI)

ARDI 1405  Art of Sketching - Online  (3)  

Designed for the non-art major who would like to engage in the creative process through sketching and drawing. Students explore the basics of drawing through a variety of media. Subjects studied are natural and manmade objects, landscapes, figure study, and using observation to inspire the imagination. Springs, Falls, Winterims. (CTDI)

ARDI 2311  Table Manners: Functional Pottery  (4)  

A hands-on ceramic art class in which students explore a variety of approaches to creating handmade tableware. Explorations include considerations of context, function, style, and expressive potential within the framework of the utilitarian sensibility. Traditions, rituals, and customs for food preparation and presentation are compared with contemporary and innovative ideas for creating vessels and containers for food to be offered at the table. Culmination is the development and creation of original and individualized sets of tableware , and sharing this research and your creative process with a wider audience. Additional course fee required. Falls and Springs. (CTDI)