Communication Studies (CM)

CM 1010  Copyright for Content Creators  (1)  

Provides an overview of the aspects of copyright law relevant to content creators including the basic principles of copyright, licensing, determining the copyright status of a work, and fair use. Additionally, students will learn to apply Creative Commons licenses and locate, identify, and properly attribute Creative Commons licensed and public domain materials for reuse in their own work. Pass/No Pass. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): none

Corequisite(s): none

CM 2000  Studies in Communication and Media  (4)  

Required of all Communication Studies majors, ideally in their first semester as a major. Acquaints students with fundamental concepts in communication and media studies such as various communication and media theories, types of communication and media research, and how to apply these theories and research methods as a communication and media studies scholar. Falls and Springs. (TECO)

Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies majors only.

CM 2006  Intercultural Communication  (4)  

Intercultural Communication examines the basic elements of communication and culture as the two relate to one another. Emphasis is given to the influence of culture on the communication process and to the communication skills that enhance intercultural communication. Falls and Springs.

CM 2007  Strategic Communication  (4)  

We are awash in information. Organizations and individuals must employ sophisticated strategic communication practices in order to reach their audiences. In this project-based course, we study theories and principles that inform strategic communication across many fields (e.g., management, marketing, public relations, technical communication, political communication, and public information campaigns) and use them to design effective communication campaigns. Recommended for sophomores. Falls and Springs.

CM 2300  Introduction to Public Speaking  (1)  

A general introduction to the fundamentals of public speaking. Students practice basic skills through a variety of in-class speeches. Class members will serve as the audience and provide feedback to their fellow classmates. The over-arching goal is to increase a student’s confidence as a public speaker by learning not only WHAT to say, but HOW to say it best. Springs.

CM 2405  Public Speaking  (4)  

The fundamentals of public speaking. Practical course that increases skills in both formal and everyday speech situations. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 2400. Springs.

CM 2750  Introduction to Film and Video Production  (4)  

Provides a hands-on introduction to the various pre-production, production and post-production processes and techniques used in the creation of intriguing film and video projects. In a supportive workshop environment, participants receive training in concept generation, storyboarding and basic script form, and they gain practical experience in producing, directing, lighting, shooting and editing. Springs and Falls.

CM 2775  Media and Cultural Studies  (4)  

Explores the nature, development and effects of various media in relation to cultural-studies scholarship. Provides an overview of mass communication history and theory, with emphasis on the role of influential media forms in 20th century American culture and beyond. Not Open to students who have earned credit for CM 2770. Falls and Springs. (TECO)

CM 2915  Communication and Leadership  (4)  

Examines conflict and leadership in personal and professional settings with a focus on the role communication plays in creating, negotiating, and transforming conflict situations. Students explore the role of communication competence and professional civility in interpersonal and small group environments to develop skills in mediating conflict into constructive opportunities in personal, professional, and social settings. Not open to students who have earned credit for CM 2910. Falls and Springs.

CM 2945  Social Media: Technology and Culture  (4)  

Students critically analyze the role of social media in everyday life in order to better understand how social media informs contemporary media culture through examination of the history, creation, control, and impact of social media technologies, including social network websites, smartphone apps, online games, etc. Students explore issues of identity, privacy, community, and access inherent to digital engagement. Falls.

CM 2995  Professional Social Media  (4)  

Students examine the ways in which audiences interact online with organizations, brands, and media texts, as well as the strategies that digital content creators use to engage their audiences. Emphasizes the creative, analytical, and critical thinking needed to develop social media tactics that support dynamic online participation and address the shifting capabilities and practices of digital consumption. Not open to students who have earned credit for CM 2991. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): CM 2770 or 2775 or CM 2910 or CM 2915.

CM 3005  Rhetoric and Semiotics  (4)  

How do we learn to make sense of the signs and symbols that we encounter daily? Rhetoric, the study of how human beings make meaning and semiotics, the study of symbols and sign systems, help us understand how we make meaning. Examines rhetoric and semiotics from an historical, cross-disciplinary perspective through major theorists and applications to lived experience. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 3000. Springs. (INCO)

Prerequisite(s): CM 2000 and Junior status.

CM 3006  Analyzing Screen Media  (4)  

Explores the historical development and effects of screen media in relation to traditional media, applies cultural studies approaches to explain representations and impact of screen media on diverse individuals, groups, societies, and cultures. (DICO)

Prerequisite(s): CM 2770 or CM 2775, or permission of the instructor.

CM 3015  Rhetoric and Semiotics  (4)  

How do we learn to make sense of the signs and symbols we encounter daily? Rhetoric, the study of how humans make meaning, and semiotics, the study of symbols and sign systems, help us understand how we make meaning. Examines rhetoric and semiotics from historical, cross-disciplinary perspective through major theorists and applications to lived experience. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): CM2000 and Junior Status

CM 3095  Technical Communication  (4)  

Advanced Study in Writing. Focuses on technical communication for business, science, social science, government and the professions. Topics include designing communication for specific audiences; writing proposals, reports and instructions; exploring the ways technology is used as both a medium and a subject of technical communication; exploring various forms and media of professional writing. Important for people interested in professional writing. Not open to students that have already earned credit in CM 3090. Falls and Springs. (TECO) (WRCO)

Prerequisite(s): EN 1200 or EN 1400.

CM 3125  Communicating Through Animation  (4)  

Explores a variety of digital animation techniques including stop-motion animation and basic 2D computer-generated animation. Students learn basic visual communication concepts and are challenged to create animations that effectively employ visual communication principles. Includes a significant hands-on element in which students use state-of-the-art image editing and animation-creation software to develop their assignments and projects. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 3100 or CM 3120. Falls Even. (INCO)

CM 3135  Communicating Through Animation  (4)  

Explores a variety of digital animation techniques including stop-motion animation and basic 2D computer-generated animation. Students learn basic visual communication concepts and are challenged to create animations that effectively employ visual communication principles. Includes a significant hands-on element in which students use state-of-the-art image editing and animation-creation software to develop their assignments and projects. Falls Even.

CM 3400  Interactive Web Communication  (4)  

Introduces students to the wide array of skills and concepts associated with visual communication and website development. Concepts covered include basic image analysis, semiotics, ethics, and website analytics. Skills covered include basic website design and specification using HTML, CSS, and some scripting language instructions. Students are involved in hands-on website development to carry out learning objectives. Not open to students who have earned credit for CM 3300. (INCO) (INCP)

CM 3405  Interactive Web Communication  (4)  

Introduces students to the wide array of skills and concepts associated with visual communication and website development. Concepts covered include basic image analysis, semiotics, ethics, and website analytics. Skills covered include basic website design and specification using HTML, CSS, and some scripting language instructions. Students are involved in hands-on website development to carry out learning objectives.

CM 3485  Global Perspectives in the Media  (4)  

US media offerings are among the most controversial and most criticized in the world. Students examine some of the causes of these criticisms and alternate media approaches that exist. Because traditional US media offerings are so readily accessible and prevalent, audience members frequently accept their messages with little critical insight. Their perspectives of global and local cultural issues, therefore, remain relatively static. Course participants compare and contrast conventional US media presentations and practices with alternate approaches, both American and global, that challenge traditional thinking. They learn that among the responsibilities of living in a global community are seeking various sources of information and appreciating the similarities and differences that exist within the global community. Not open to students who have earned credits in CM 3480. Falls and Springs. (GACO)

Prerequisite(s): CM 2770 or CM 2775 or CM 2910 or CM 2915.

CM 3505  Media Effects  (4)  

Explores the effects of mass media exposure on individuals, groups and societies, as investigated through classic and contemporary research endeavors in the social-scientific tradition. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 3500. Falls Odd.

Prerequisite(s): CM 2770 or CM 2775.

CM 3515  Communication, Media, and Wellness  (4)  

Explores the connection between the mind and body, the theory and practice of leisure, and the contribution that leisure makes to wellness in human beings situated within a technology-driven mediated landscape. By examining leisure from historical, philosophical, phenomenological, and culture perspectives, it emphasizes leisure as a communicative model of wellness for a lifetime. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 3510. Falls. (WECO)

Prerequisite(s): CM 2000.

CM 3645  Communication Theory  (4)  

Reading, discussion and application of current theories of communication in this writing-intensive course. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 3640. Falls and Springs. (WRCO)

Prerequisite(s): CM 2770 or CM 2775 or CM 2910 or CM 2915.

CM 3675  Journalism in the Digital Age  (4)  

Focuses on the skills, principles, and challenges associated with print and online journalism. Introduces students to journalistic ethics, basic newspaper style for news and feature writing, interviewing and research techniques and copy editing conventions. Important for people interested in professional writing. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 3670. Falls. (TECO) (WRCO)

Prerequisite(s): EN 1200 or EN 1400.

CM 3915  Topics in Media Studies  (4)  

Explores specialized topics pertaining to film studies, television studies, print media and emerging technologies that are not covered regularly in other Communication and Media Studies courses. These topics are investigated primarily from the critical, cultural and/or social-scientific perspectives. Topics vary by semester and instructor. May be repeated for credit with a different topic.

Prerequisite(s): CM 2770 or CM 2775 or CM 2910 or CM 2915.

CM 3926  Topics in Media Production  (4)  

Explores specialized topics pertaining to media production (e.g., screenwriting, video-, or audio-production) that are not covered regularly in other course offerings in Communication and Media Studies. Topics vary by semester and instructor. May be repeated for credit with a different topic.

CM 3960  Internship  (1-4)  

Students engage in a work program to apply, in a practical manner, knowledge gained from their academic coursework at a site related to their major and option. To participate in an internship, students must apply to the Communication and Media Studies Department Chair. Once places at a site, students will have both an on-campus supervisor and an immediate work supervisor. Students must register for CM 3960 prior to beginning their internship. No retroactive credit will be granted for internships that have already been completed. Repeatable for a maximum of 8 credits. With permission. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): CM 2775 (or CM 2770), OR CM 2915 (or CM 2910).

CM 4655  Communication Research Methods  (4)  

Introduces course participants to qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods and statistical procedures that are used regularly by communication studies scholars. Designed to enable students to design, implement and analyze their own methodologically sound research studies and to effectively critique the completed research studies of others. No prior research-design or statistical expertise is required. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 4650. Falls and Springs. (QRCO)

Prerequisite(s): CM 2000.

CM 4905  Senior Seminar  (4)  

Provides students with the opportunity to reflect upon their major coursework in order to connect theory and application in preparation for their entry into the workforce. Focuses on applying ethical frameworks, including deontology and utilitarianism, to a variety of case studies related to interpersonal, group and organizational communication, and to personal and professional consumption and production of media. Not open to students who have earned credit in CM 4900. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): CM 3650 or CM 4650 or CM 4655 (may be corequisite); Communication Studies majors only; taken in the last semester.

CM 4915  Independent Study  (1-4)  

Offers students the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of a topic in communication and/or media studies that is not covered extensively in other courses. Working with guidance from a faculty member with relevant expertise, students select a specialized topic for exploration and prepare an in-depth research paper or project pertaining to that topic. Periodic conferences with the supervising instructor are expected. Consent required of the instructor who will supervise the independent study and the Department Chair.