Environmental Planning (EPL)

EPL 2105  Community Planning  (4)  

A survey of the philosophy, principles and processes of regional and community planning. Emphasis is on analysis of planning problems related to the natural and human-made environments at the national, state and local levels. Not open to students who have earned credit for GE 3110 or EPL 2100. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status.

EPL 3100  Environmental Planning  (3)  

Designed to promote the understanding and appropriate use of the natural environment. Students learn to utilize the tools and methodologies that can be used in a community to plan for the future while respecting the living landscape. Not open to students who have earned credit for GE 4401. Springs.

EPL 3150  Introduction to Permaculture  (3)  

Permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that are modeled on the relationships found in natural ecologies. Permaculture has recently become one of the most holistic, integrated system analysis and design tools in the world. Serves as a foundation for further Permaculture study and is recommended before taking the internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate. Springs.

EPL 3270  Sustainability in Residences  (3)  

Includes engaging in active endeavors that are part of the on-going educational project at the EcoHouse, including project development, funding alternatives, and the implementation of sustainable projects at the residential scale. Field visits highlight other projects, their challenges and successes, and the funding sources involved in their implementation. Falls.

EPL 3960  Internship  (3-6)  

Students engage in an individualized work program at an agency that emphasizes some aspect of environmental planning. Minimum time required is 10 hours/week for 1 semester. Repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits. With permission. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): approval of the discipline's Internship Program Coordinator.