Health Education (HE)

HE 1205  Meditative Drawing  (1)  

Mindfulness fundamentals developed through repetitive drawing patterns. The goal of the course is to better understand mindfulness, which is the process of focusing one's awareness on the present moment, calmly acknowledging and accepting feelings, thoughts, sensations, and building focus. Mindfulness supports self-management, working effectively and reducing stress responses. This method evokes the core skills of meditation-concentration, clarity, equanimity, and care. Pass/No Pass. Springs and Falls.

HE 2500  First Aid and CPR/AED  (1.5)  

Combines community First Aid and CPR concepts. Includes breathing and cardiac emergencies for adults, children, infants, as well as injuries, open and closed wounds, burns, musculoskeletal injuries and sudden illness. Falls and Springs.

HE 2900  Disease, Safety, and Environment  (3)  

Overview of basic diseases and disorders, as well as issues related to safety and the environment in the context of personal wellness. Students examine the impact of the physical, social, and cultural environment on human health and disease, as well as the impact that humans have on the health of the environment in terms of environmental health and safety, disease prevention, and control. Additionally, facilitates practice of certain skills required of Health Educators. Falls and Springs. (WECO)

HE 3000  Special Topics in Health Education  (1-3)  

Presents topics not covered in other health education courses, allowing students to extend their experience and competencies in a variety of health-related topics. May be repeated for credit with a different topic.

HE 3105  Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Resources in Health Education  (3)  

Focuses on instructional strategies for K-12 health education and the application of methodologies for standards-based unit planning, lesson development, and student assessment for effective K-12 health education instruction in the differentiated classroom. Practical experience in the public school setting is required at the elementary and secondary levels. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): PE 3315 and Acceptance into PE Teacher Certification K-12 or Physical Education majors with PEHE Teacher Certification Option.

HE 3110  Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating  (3)  

Characteristics of disordered eating and the diagnostic criteria for eating disorders will be examined and discussed in the context of current research and strategies for prevention and treatment. Topics to be addressed include the history, prevalence, symptoms, causes and associated psycho-social factors. Discussion will also address holistic approaches, medical, nutritional and psychological therapies, and issues for special populations. Springs. (WECO)

HE 3200  Stress Management  (3)  

Provides students with an overview of mind body techniques to help manage stress and enhance health/wellness. Students explore a variety of healing methods, as well as practice, apply and demonstrate stress management interventions and management techniques. Falls and Springs. (WECO)

HE 3210  Mental Health Issues  (3)  

Designed to provide students with information relevant to contemporary mental health issues and a means of identifying resource personnel and agencies pertinent to these mental health issues. Current theories of behavioral change are examined. Falls. (WECO)

HE 3220  Applied Nutrition for Healthy Living  (3)  

Fundamental concepts of nutrition are addressed with a special focus on contemporary issues relevant to developing professionals in health and human performance. A survey of concepts in nutrition science is applied to the support of general wellness and active lifestyles throughout the lifespan. Falls and Springs. (TECO)

HE 3670  CPR/AED & First Aid; Basic and Instructor Training  (3)  

Training in basic and instructional skills for rescue breathing, choking emergencies, AED usage and cardiac emergencies (adults, infants, and children), basic first skills for use in acute injury or illness. Upon successful completion provides eligibility for testing and certification as a trainer for adult, infant and child CPR and First Aid. Falls Even, Falls Odd, Springs Even, Springs Odd, Winterims. (WECO)

HE 3700  Drug Behavior  (3)  

Provides the opportunities for students to discover and understand current scientific information regarding the relationship of drugs to mental and physical health. Particular emphasis includes the physiological, psychological, sociological, pharmacological and legal aspects of drugs in today's society. Course limited during regular session to Health Education Majors and Minors and Interdisciplinary students with a Health Education focus. Winterim and Summer offerings open to all. Falls and Springs. (WECO)

HE 3720  Current Issues in School Health Education  (3)  

This course is designed to offer insight into current health issues that negatively affect school aged children. The primary emphasis will be on reviewing current health data, developing methods to address these issues through interventions, and assessing the impact on student learning. Possible topics include: media literacy, bullying, mental/emotional health, and prevention of unintentional injuries and disease. (Falls) Falls.

HE 3730  Sex and Family Living  (3)  

Learning experiences include exploring the needs, concerns, interests and aspirations that arise out of human psychosexual development. Students will develop attitudes, values, goals and behaviors based on sound knowledge, that are conducive to the expressions of their sexuality as a positive and constructive force. Not open to students who have earned credits for HE 3710. Springs and Falls. (WECO)

HE 3880  Health Promotion Practicum  (1-3)  

Designed to give students a practical experience in health education supervised and controlled by the Department. May be repeated for up to 3 credits. Pass/No Pass. Individual Enrollment.

Prerequisite(s): Junior/Senior status; minimum 2.00 GPA; permission of Department Chair.

HE 4080  Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching  (3)  

Introduces students to the field of lifestyle wellness coaching. Discusses a variety of coaching methodologies to help people create healthier lifestyles. Discusses basic principles of wellness, motivational interviewing, standards, certification, ethics in the coaching profession, and the varieties of types of coaching programs. Falls.

HE 4100  Women's Health Issues  (3)  

A study of women's health issues. Designed to help people develop and maintain a sense of responsibility for their physical, mental, sexual and social well-being and to make sound decisions based on accurate information. Analyzes a number of health issues such as substance abuse, reproductive health, ageism, sexual abuse and incest, stress management, eating disorders and other sexuality issues. Falls. (WECO)

HE 4440  Health Promotion Internship  (4-12)  

Provides job training in the option of community health in a cooperative program with voluntary agencies hospitals, corporations, and health departments. Direct field experience is completed by the student under\ the supervision of a faculty member and experienced community health educators. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits.

Prerequisite(s): minimum 2.70 GPA (cumulative and major); Senior status; approval of the Department Chair.

HE 4910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

A student-initiated research project on a selected topic agreed to by a department faculty tutor. Consent required of the instructor who will supervise the independent study and the Department Chair.