Photography (PT)

PT 2600  Photography I  (3)  

An introduction to photography as a visual art. A study of the camera, film, exposure, developing and printing as well as the history and aesthetics of photography. A camera with a light meter is necessary; a tripod is helpful. Students purchase most of their own supplies. Additional course fee required. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): AR 1045.

PT 3200  Photography: Darkroom  (4)  

An introduction to photography as a visual art. A study of the camera, film, exposure, developing and printing as well as the history and aesthetics of photography. Springs.

PT 3400  Photography: Digital  (4)  

Introduction to digital photography cameras, computer software, scanners, printers. Students learn to scan negatives, transparencies, and prints to produce high resolution files and to manipulate these files in Adobe Photoshop. Covers equipment calibration, manipulation of color, and art paper surfaces. Students work with composition, lighting, critique, and study works of contemporary photographers while developing a personal body quality photographic images. Springs.

PT 3620  Photo Documentary and the Artist  (3)  

Addresses the components of creating and editing photographs and pictorial narratives for the purposes of creating photographic documentaries, newspaper and magazine publications, and photo ethnographies. Addresses and applies to projects research methods and ethical issues facing photographers engaged in this form of work. Students work with choices of 35 mm and/or digital cameras to complete a variety of assignments that include current events, people and place, and social issues. Discusses equipment selection and use. Culminates in a personally selected final feature project. Additional course fee required. Springs.

Prerequisite(s): (PTDI 2200 or PT 2600) and PT 3450.

PT 4600  Special Topics in Photography  (3)  

For students who have completed 9 credits of coursework in Photography and seek to continue to work at an advanced level. Students work with the instructor to address specialized topics that will enhance and challenge their personal artistry, technical and design skills, and photographic repertoire. May be repeated with a different topic for no more than 6 credits. Additional course fee required.

Prerequisite(s): (PTDI 2200 or PT 2600), PT 3450, and (PT 3620 or CM 3750).