Sports Management (SM)

SM 2250  Introduction to Sports Management  (4)  

Introduces students to the Sports Management major, and provides an overview of sports management and administration in the sports industry. Discusses the meaning of sports management in terms of its history, scope, principles, current issues, and future trends. Explores career opportunities, job responsibilities, and organizational structure within the industry. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): NA

Corequisite(s): NA

SM 3100  Administration of Athletics  (3)  

An intensive review of those procedures necessary to the organization and administration of athletic programs. Includes discussion of philosophy and ethics, budgets, eligibility, scheduling, equipment inventories and purchasing, contract development, marketing and public relations, facility and event management as well as other topics related to athletic administration.

SM 3150  Sports Governance  (2)  

All sports have rules and regulations to follow. Sport organizations come together to make key policy and procedure decisions to set the tone for participation and competition. Students will explore how authority and power over internal and external stakeholders set the foundation for decision-making and organizational success. Falls and Springs.

Prerequisite(s): none

Corequisite(s): none

SM 3350  Sport Facility and Event Management  (4)  

Sports managers must have in depth understanding of procedures and functions required to manage sports and recreational facilities, and events. Students have the opportunity to learn from industry leaders through guided tours of existing facilities. Students will investigate event planning, organizing, and implementation as well as an understanding of the scope and complexity of design, operation, and maintenance of facilities. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): CC 2200, SM 2200 or SM 2250, junior status, and Sports Management majors only.

SM 3450  Financial Management in Sports  (2)  

Sports Organizations are confronted with financial challenges at all levels. It is important for sport professionals to be prepared to make decisions quickly and effectively by understanding the financial strategies that lead to success. Students will explore common financial challenges in a simulated environment to develop an understanding of what sport leaders face when making fiscal decisions. Springs and Falls.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 2000 or BU 1152 and BU 2262, and BUS 1400 or EC 2550 and EC 2560, and BUS 2100 or BU 3210.

SM 3880  Sports Management Practicum  (1-3)  

Designed to give students a practical experience in Sports Management that is supervised and controlled by the Health and Human Performance Department. Practicum arrangements must be completed with the Sports Management Coordinator at least 1 semester prior to the beginning of the Practicum. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits. Pass/No Pass. Springs, Falls, Summers, Early Springs. Instructor permission required.

Prerequisite(s): CC 2200, SM 2200 or SM 2250; Junior status; minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA; approval of the Sports Management Coordinator.

SM 4880  Sports Management Internship  (4-12)  

For students desiring a culminating sports management experience. The Internship must be approved, supervised, and evaluated by the Health and Human Performance Department. Internship arrangements must be completed with the Sports Management Coordinator at least 1 semester prior to the beginning of the Internship. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits. Springs, Falls, Summers.

Prerequisite(s): CC 2200, SM 2200 or SM 2250; Junior status; minimum 2.70 cumulative GPA; approval of the Sport Management Coordinator.