Social Science (SS)

SS 3620  Archaeological Field Methods: Prehistory  (2-9)  

Depending on the investigative circumstances, provides an opportunity to acquire field experience—survey, mapping, excavation, material analysis—at land or underwater sites from the Prehistoric period. Additional course fee required. Division of Continuing Education only. Summers.

SS 3705  Social Statistics  (4)  

Introduces the Social Science student to the importance and uses of Statistics in disciplines such as History, Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Political Science. Focuses on a beginning level understanding of probability, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using applied examples from Social Science disciplines. Students are also introduced to computer applications for Social Science Statistics. May be taken as SW 3705. Not open to students who have earned credit for SS 3700. Falls and Springs. (QRCO)

Prerequisite(s): Mathematics Foundations.

SS 3910  Internship  (1-6)  

Students engage in work programs and thereby apply knowledge gained from major or minor course areas or concentrations. Qualifications to be an intern are determined by the Department Chair and a faculty member who acts as a supervising professor. Once placed, student interns have both an immediate supervisor and a supervising professor.

SS 4950  Community Research Experience  (4)  

Engages students in experiential learning about the challenges of working in interdisciplinary teams and perspectives. Provides students with opportunities to research significant issues of local or regional scale using multiple perspectives in a collaborative. Each spring 1 or more research teams are formed to conduct a project often developed in cooperation with an NGO or government agency to meet the needs of that organization and/or a community in the region. The projects are not theoretical or broad in scope, but rather focused on the kinds of problems that graduates might expect to face. Instructor permission required. (INCO)