Tourism Mgt & Policy (TMP)

TMP 2010  Introduction to Travel and Tourism  (4)  

Designed to provide an overview of the processes that shape global travel and tourism patterns and their consequences. Not open to students who have earned credit for TMP 2750. Falls and Springs. (GACO)

TMP 2303  Stay Work Play : Wellness in Hospitality Management  (4)  

Course provides an overview of the hospitality industry, its growth and development, industry segments and their distinguishing characteristics. Students engage with the contemporary themes of Human health & wellness, Sustainability, Cultural competence by identifying challenges and opportunities that these wellness trends present in the context of hospitality. Not open to students who have earned credit for TMP 2860. Springs and Falls. (WECO)

TMP 2850  Tourism/Hospitality Practicum  (1)  

Exposes students to the inner workings of tourism destinations, attractions, and accommodations. Following a preliminary course meeting to review the travel and tourism industry, students schedule pre-approved (i.e., by the instructor) appointments and meet with owners or general managers of a destination, an attraction, and an accommodation. Students complete a written and an oral report about each site visit. Fall of even years.

Prerequisite(s): TMP 2750, TMP majors with a minimum 2.50 major GPA, and permission of the instructor.

TMP 3040  Special Topics in Tourism and Hospitality  (4)  

Topics in tourism and hospitality varies by course offering. May be repeated for credit with a different topic up to 3 times.

TMP 3060  Ecotourism  (4)  

Provides students with an understanding of both theory and practical applications of concepts surrounding nature tourism, ecotourism, and sustainable tourism development in general. Students explore social, cultural, and environmental impacts of tourism and recreation as economic development. Examines the development and meaning of ecotourism. Spring of even years.

TMP 3070  Cultural and Heritage Tourism  (4)  

Provides students with an understanding of both theory and practical applications of concepts surrounding cultural tourism, ethnic tourism, heritage tourism, and museum studies. Students explore social, cultural, and political impacts of culture and heritage-based tourism as economic development. Examines the development and meaning of culture and heritage. Spring of odd years.

TMP 3100  Lodging Operations Management  (3)  

Teaches students the duties and workings of the management in a full service hotel. Concentrates on the actual operation of a front office and how the front office function relates to the other departments in a hotel. Falls.

Prerequisite(s): TMP 2860.

TMP 3333  Hotel Operations Management  (4)  

Course examines the organization and characteristics of hotels and how they are effectively managed by applying the four management functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Case simulations help develop intellectual skills that empower students with tools for processing information, problem solving, and making decisions as a GM. Springs and Falls.

TMP 4010  Tourism Development  (4)  

Examines the phenomenon of tourism development at the community and sub-state regional scales, as well as policymakers’ efforts to mitigate negative impacts. Presents an objective viewpoint of developers’ and planning boards’ motivations and actions. Using a series of empirical case studies, class members have an opportunity to evaluate the actions of the respective groups. Class members apply the techniques they have learned to address the tourism development issues in northern New England. Falls Even. (INCO) (WRCO)

TMP 4100  Tourism Management and Policy Internship  (1-12)  

Students engage in an individualized work program (40 hours per credit) at an agency that emphasizes some aspects of tourism planning, marketing or policy formulation. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits.

Prerequisite(s): approval of the discipline's Internship Program Coordinator; 2.50 grade point average in all TMP courses.