Social Work (BS)

Social Work is a specialized degree that prepares students for generalist social work practice in a wide range of settings to work with children, youth, families, and adults. The curriculum has its foundation in the liberal arts, focusing on the biological, psychological, and social sciences, and provides content on the knowledge, skills, and values of social work. The curriculum integrates content on values and ethics, human diversity, populations-at-risk, and the promotion of social and economic justice.

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) granted initial accreditation to the program in 1995. By continuing to meet CSWE’s standards, the program received full reaccreditation in June 2015 for the eight-year cycle, ending in 2023. The curriculum provides content on human behavior and the social environment, social welfare policy and services, practice theory and skills, research, and field education. The field education component (450 supervised hours) provides students with a hands-on learning experience at human service agencies throughout New Hampshire.

Interested students may obtain additional information about the program’s mission, admission and continuance requirements, and other academic policies, by contacting the Social Work Program, accessing the Program’s homepage, or referencing the Program’s Student Handbook. The following is a brief summary of the Program’s academic policies:

Admission Requirements

Students accepted by the University must also meet the requirements of the Department for admission. To apply, students must

  1. be enrolled in or have completed Introduction to Social Work (SW 2200),
  2. complete an application by submitting a written statement (see Social Work Student Handbook or Social Work homepage for more information and to complete the application), and
  3. participate in a personal interview with a member of the Social Work faculty.

The criteria and procedures used for admission are based on the academic and professional standards established by the Council on Social Work Education, the national accrediting body. The criteria used for assessment are:

  1. intellectual qualities and academic skills;
  2. commitment to the enhancement of quality of life for individuals and families;
  3. concern for issues of social justice and sensitivity to cultural diversity; and
  4. capacity for self-awareness and self-evaluation.

The Department of Social Work encourages applications from students from diverse backgrounds including race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, culture, political ideology, gender, gender identity and expression, sex, sexual orientation, social class, family type, religion, age, and physical and mental abilities. Students are advised to apply by their sophomore year. Applicants will receive notice regarding the decision within 14 calendar days of the interview. Students may be accepted provisionally and will develop, with the help of a faculty member, an action plan for improvement in one or more of the above criteria to be worked on during the following semester.

Continuation and Graduation Requirements

Once admitted, students must meet the following continuation requirements in order to gain admission to Social Work Practicum (SW 4430) and the concurrent Social Work Integrative Seminar (SW 4550), and to graduate with a BS in Social Work:

  1. a grade of C or better in the required (SW) Foundation Courses:
    Course Title Credits
    SW 2200Introduction to Social Work4
    SW 2300Case Management and Advocacy3
    SW 2400Professional Writing for Social Work1
    SW 3450Social Welfare Policy and Services3
    SW 3520Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention II3
    SW 3530Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention III3
    SW 3610Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention I4
    SW 3660Human Behavior and the Social Environment4
    SW 4020Social Work Research Methods (TECO)3
    SW 4550Social Work Integrative Seminar (WRCO)3
  2. a minimum major grade point average of 2.5 (all courses required for the major)

Students who wish to be readmitted into the major need to follow the most current Catalog.

Transfer credit is not granted for either the Practicum or the Social Work Seminar. Academic credit for life experience and previous work experience shall not be granted in lieu of any course required for the major.

These academic standards should be monitored by the student and their faculty advisor throughout the student’s Social Work education. To be admitted to the Practicum and the Seminar (Social Work Integrative Seminar (SW 4550)), students must have completed all of the course requirements of the major, achieved an overall grade point average of 2.0 and a major grade point average of 2.5, and earned a grade of C or better in the eight Social Work Foundation Courses (as listed above). Permission to enter the field will be granted in writing by the Program Director or the Field Education Director.

In addition to academic requirements, students are required to demonstrate professional and ethical behavior. Student behavior that is contrary to the ethics of the profession will be reviewed by the program to determine the student’s appropriateness for continuance in the major. Behaviors that would warrant such a review are based on the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Examples of unprofessional or unethical behavior include impropriety in personal conduct (such as dishonesty or criminal behavior); exploitive relationships (such as sexual relationships or other behaviors pursued for personal advantage), e.g., with practicum clients; and any form of illegal discrimination or discrimination contrary to Plymouth State University policy (see the NASW Code of Ethics).

Course Title Credits
Major Requirements
SW 2200Introduction to Social Work4
SW 2300Case Management and Advocacy3
SW 2400Professional Writing for Social Work1
SW 3050Perspectives on Aging (WECO)3
SW 3450Social Welfare Policy and Services3
SW 3430Diversity and Oppression (DICO)3
SW 3610Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention I4
SW 3520Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention II3
SW 3530Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention III3
SW 3660Human Behavior and the Social Environment4
SW 4020Social Work Research Methods (TECO)3
SW 4430Social Work Practicum12
SW 4550Social Work Integrative Seminar (WRCO) 13
PS 2015Introduction to General Psychology4
SO 2225Foundations of Sociology (DICO)4
Children and Families Elective
SW 3140Child Welfare and Family Services3
or SW 3150 Child Maltreatment
Health and Mental Health Elective
SW 3300Mental Health and Society (GACO)3
or SW 3500 Health and Society (GACO,WECO)
Quantitative Reasoning in the Discipline Connection
Complete one course from the following:3-4
Statistics I (QRCO)
Social Statistics (QRCO)
Social Statistics (QRCO)
General Education
EN 1400Composition4
IS 1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
MAMathematics Foundations3-4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SIDIScientific Inquiry Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SIDI) 24-8
INCPIntegrated Capstone3-4
Total Credits120

Social Work Integrative Seminar (SW 4550) requires a minimum grade of C in the required Social Work (SW) foundation courses and a minimum major grade point average of 2.50 (all courses required for the major).


Directions should total 16-17 credits because SSDI is waived for BS Social Work.

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

To complete the bachelor’s degree in 4 years, you must successfully complete a minimum of 15 credits each semester or have a plan to make up credits over the course of the 4 years.  For example, if you take 14 credits one semester, you need to take 16 credits in another semester.  Credits completed must count toward your program requirements (major, option, minor, certificate, general education or free electives).

Plan of Study Grid
Year OneCredits
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MAMathematics Foundations 3-4
SW 2200 Introduction to Social Work 4
SW 2400 Professional Writing for Social Work 1
PS 2015 Introduction to General Psychology 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 3-4
Electives 3-6
Year Two
SW 2300 Case Management and Advocacy 3
Health and Mental Health Elective:
SW 3300
Mental Health and Society (GACO)
or Health and Society (GACO,WECO)
SO 2225 Foundations of Sociology (DICO) 4
SIDIScientific Inquiry Direction 3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SIDI) 1 4-8
Complete one Quantitative Reasoning in the Discipline Connection Course from the following: 3-4
Statistics I (QRCO)
Social Statistics (QRCO)
Social Statistics (QRCO)
Elective 6-8
Year Three
SW 3050 Perspectives on Aging (WECO) 3
SW 3450 Social Welfare Policy and Services 3
SW 3430 Diversity and Oppression (DICO) 3
SW 3610 Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention I 4
SW 3520 Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention II 3
SW 3660 Human Behavior and the Social Environment 4
SW 4020 Social Work Research Methods (TECO) 3
INCPIntegrated Capstone 3-4
Electives 3-4
Year Four
SW 3530 Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention III 3
SW 4430 Social Work Practicum 12
SW 4550 Social Work Integrative Seminar (WRCO) 3
Children and Families Elective:
SW 3140
Child Welfare and Family Services
or Child Maltreatment
Electives 9
 Total Credits120

Directions should total 16-17 credits because SSDI is waived for BS Social Work.

Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
Competency 4: Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice
Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • Aging & Gerontology
  • Child Welfare & Family Services
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Mental Health
  • Substance Abuse
  • Health Care
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Justice & Correction
  • Policy Planning
  • School Social Work
  • Politics/Public Welfare