Entrepreneurship Minor

Are you thinking of a future in which you may want to create your own products, services, or a company? A minor in entrepreneurship can help ensure your future success. No matter your major or career aspirations, anyone can benefit from an innovative mindset and the essential business acumen necessary to bring your ideas to life. The entrepreneurship minor introduces you to the skills, abilities, and knowledge necessary to be effective entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, social change makers, or small business leaders; skills that are not just valuable to you but highly sought by today’s employers looking for enterprising and creative associates.

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements
ENT 2040Foundations of Innovation and Entrepreneurship4
ENT 2460Business Startup Planning4
ENT 3052Executing for Growth and Sustainability4
Minor Electives
Choose one from the following:4
Social Entrepreneurship
Professional Selling Skills I
Total Credits16