Interdisc Studies Program (IP)

IP 2000  Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies  (2)  

Gives Interdisciplinary Studies students a structured opportunity to frame and plan a deliberate and thoughtful program of study, and provides an overview of basic concepts in Interdisciplinary Studies. Students work with faculty to create their Interdisciplinary Studies contract. Pass/No Pass. Falls and Springs.

IP 2500  Cluster Learning Springboard  (2)  

In this course, students explore interdisciplinarity, cluster learning, and open education in a setting that puts their own knowledge and concerns at the forefront. Individual work allows students to explore and express their own academic interests, while group work unites diverse experiences. Students share work with peers and with the world at large through multimedia projects. Pass/No Pass. Falls and Springs.

IP 2510  Lifelong Learning Laboratory  (2)  

In this course, students experiment with interdisciplinarity, open education, and the Habits of Mind in a setting that puts their own knowledge and concerns at the forefront. Individual work allows students to explore and express their academic interests, while group work unites diverse experiences. Students share work with peers and with the world at large through multimedia projects. Pass/No Pass. Springs and Falls.

IP 3000  Practicum in Interdisciplinary Studies  (1-3)  

Gives students the opportunity to explore connections across fields related to a theme or topics of their choice. The possibilities are many, as students work with a faculty advisor to propose and execute an applied project or experience related to their degree. Consent required of the instructor who will supervise the practicum and the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies. Offered by Individual Enrollment. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits. Pass/No Pass.

Prerequisite(s): Interdisciplinary Studies majors only.

IP 3100  Internship in Interdisciplinary Studies  (1-12)  

Students engage in a work program to apply, in a practical manner, knowledge gained from their academic coursework; the chosen site must be related to their IDS program. Placements and supervision are handled by the PSU Internship Office. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits. Pass/No Pass.

Prerequisite(s): Interdisciplinary Studies majors only.

IP 3200  Independent Study in Interdisciplinary Studies  (1-4)  

Offers students the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of an interdisciplinary topic that is not covered extensively in other courses. Working with guidance from a faculty member with relevant expertise, students select a specialized topic for exploration and prepare an appropriate syllabus to pursue. Periodic conferences with the supervising instructor are expected. Consent required of the instructor who will supervise the independent study and the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies. Offered by Individual Enrollment. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits. Pass/No Pass.

Prerequisite(s): Interdisciplinary Studies majors only.

IP 4500  Interdisciplinary Studies Senior Seminar  (4)  

Allows senior-level Interdisciplinary students to demonstrate and reflect on what they have accomplished through their program of study. As part of this seminar, students undertake a capstone project that brings their education to a culmination. This project may take many forms, will incorporate the use of internet technology, and will be accompanied by a process paper. Pass/No Pass. Springs and Falls. (TECO) (WRCO)