Interdisciplinary (IS)

IS 1115  Tackling a Wicked Problem  (4)  

In this class, students will work together in small groups to take action outside of the classroom on some aspect of a wicked problem. During this process, students focus on the development and practice of the General Education Habits of Mind. Required of all first year students. Elective for transfer students entering with 24 or more credits. Springs and Falls.

IS 1415  Ascent: Designing College  (3)  

This course helps Ascent students develop and articulate their goals while introducing them to practical academic skills. Students become familiar with required tools, processes, and applications at PSU while they explore the habits and strategies required to achieve their academic and personal goals. This course emphasizes writing, presenting, and using communication technology. Open to Ascent students only. Falls.

IS 1416  Ascent Skill-building  (1)  

This course is an opportunity for Ascent students to practice academic and leadership skills. Individual course themes will be partially based on suggestions from students in IS 1405 Designing College, and may include specific academic skills such as writing, reading, or presenting, or other skills such as career readiness or Ascent mentoring. Open to Ascent students only. Springs.

IS 1750  Special Topics  (1-4)  

Explores lower-level interdisciplinary topics not covered in other courses. Repeatable with a different topic. Pass/No Pass or letter graded.

IS 3750  Special Topics  (1-4)  

Upper-level topics vary and may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Pass/No Pass or letter graded.

IS 4112  Responding to Climate Change  (4)  

This is a student-driven capstone course where you will learn about climate change and its many impacts. You will collaborate with peers to develop a project that uses your skills and interests to address in one way or another, planning for, adapting to, solving issues related to, or educating the public about climate change. No climate science background required. Springs. (INCP)

IS 4113  Finding Our Way in a Living Universe  (4)  

Where did our universe come from? Are we alone? Answers to these questions can change our life perspective. In this course, you will collaborate to create signature projects that address how understanding our planet and the universe can enhance the human experience and promote a positive future. You will develop and implement astronomy programming to inspire awe and promote action. Springs. (INCP)

IS 4114  Communicating Uncertainty  (4)  

This is a student-driven capstone course where you will learn about communicating uncertainty and how people respond to and act on information that contains uncertainty. You will collaborate with peers to develop a project that uses your skills and interests to address in one way or another, challenges associated with communicating uncertain information to a selected audience. Falls. (INCP)

IS 4220  Signature Project  (4)  

In this student-driven capstone course, students will collaborate across disciplines to create signature projects that address a significant problem, issue, or question. Falls and Springs. (INCO) (INCP)

Prerequisite(s): Junior status.

IS 4280  Work/Life Balance in a No Vacation Nation  (4)  

Referred to as the “No Vacation Nation,” Americans work more and vacation less than their counterparts in the industrialized world. What can Americans learn from work cultures around the world to achieve healthy, sustainable work environments in their chosen fields? In this student-driven capstone course, students will collaborate across disciplines to create signature projects that address issues of work/life balance. Springs. (INCP)

IS 4360  Cultural Diversity and American Society  (3)  

To respond effectively to the challenges and opportunities associated with the increasing racial, cultural and social class diversity within the United States, individuals need to develop an understanding of related concepts, principles, theories and practices. Students consider information, issues, theories and beliefs essential to understanding and relating to individuals in diverse cultures. Topics include: reviewing diverse cultural beliefs and practices; the influence of culture on the development of beliefs, values and behaviors; the nature of prejudice; gender differences; historical development; the influence of social class on behavior; religious diversity; and language policies. Not open to students who have earned credit for CD 2360. Falls and Springs. (DICO) (INCO)

Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior status.

IS 4461  Sustainability Capstone  (4)  

Enhancing environmentally sustainable, socially equitable, and economically viable communities is a complex and multidisciplinary process that requires formative evaluations, objective prioritization, and attentive planning. Students reflect on and apply theoretical sustainability concepts they have learned throughout their multidisciplinary coursework, evaluate sustainability practices in local communities, and create a project to enhance sustainability within a targeted local community. Not open to students who have earned credit for IS 4460. Instructor permission required. (INCO)

IS 4901  Career Launch: Tell Your Story  (2)  

Students assemble an integrated understanding of their academic, extracurricular, employment, leadership, and overall growth during college, and learn to narrate their expertise to personal networks and prospective employers. Students also research career and graduate school options and sharpen career readiness tools.